What's stopping you from losing weight?

It seems to you that you are doing everything right, but the scales are not tipping in your favor. There are many reasons why you cannot lose weight, and if you find your “symptoms” among those given below and eliminate them, then things will definitely get moving.

How to Know If Your Diet Isn't Working

If you eat snacks, frozen and low-fat foods (depriving them of fat, the manufacturer compensates for the taste with sugar), and drink cocktails, soda and even freshly squeezed juices, you will not see the lost kilograms like your ears.

At the same time, you can and should drink water in large quantities; it fills your stomach, and you don’t feel like eating at all. And if you constantly drink a glass of cold water before meals, your metabolism will normalize.

Many diets involve giving up entire food groups, but they are only effective for people with iron willpower. If you are not sure that you will not be able to give up sweets for several months (or even years), do not do it, because this way you will only injure the body, provoke its panic and a stronger desire to eat the forbidden fruit.


There are many more nuances here than might seem at first glance. For example, you may think that if you eat healthy food, then you can eat it in any quantity, but this is not true. The same goes for portions - don't eat from the biggest plates you can find at home, and don't go out for more.

The other side of the coin is malnutrition. This method of losing weight is about as old as dinosaurs, and it has long been rejected by the vast majority of nutritionists. If you want to eat, don’t worry and go to the kitchen. The main thing is to know moderation in everything. And don't eat in front of the TV, computer or book.

For the same reason, you should never skip breakfast, even if you have trained yourself to do so over the years. Remember the proverb - eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to your enemy? Of course, it is not new, but it is still relevant. It is with your morning meal that you should get the most calories.

Life style

Much of losing weight depends on your lifestyle. Even sleep affects your weight. If you don't sleep enough, your body will replenish lost energy from food.

Be sure to eat before training, otherwise in the gym you will burn muscle, not fat. And don’t forget to diversify your activities - do strength and cardio exercises, go dancing or yoga.

Your environment plays an important role. If everyone in the household eats non-dietary food, mom doesn’t want to cook “separately for you,” the husband constantly makes fun of steamed broccoli while devouring another portion of steak or pizza, and the children demand sweets, then the likelihood of a breakdown is extremely high. There are two options here - either try to introduce them to a healthy lifestyle, or have a serious conversation and set rules.