Discovering the organic diet

If you want to lose excess weight, but categorically do not accept strict diets, restrictions and the feeling of having your hands tied, pay attention to the organic diet. This diet was precisely invented for people who value a balanced diet and avoid even the very thought of forbidden foods and general malaise.

For the first time, doctor of medicine Paula Bailey-Hamilton spoke about this weight loss product. A woman who applied her principles to herself lost a little more than 8 kg within two months after giving birth. So what is an organic diet?

The author came up with ten golden rules of proper nutrition, which became the basis of her new methodology:

  1. Store all food in glass containers. Cellophane and plastic are considered environmentally unsafe materials and can contaminate food with chemical elements.

  2. Do not buy products that the manufacturer says can be stored for several months. These sausages, milk and canned foods contain many preservatives. Take only those that can be stored for a maximum of 7 days.

  3. Be sure to filter the water: it is full of bacteria and heavy metals.

  4. Under no circumstances should you eat vegetables and fruits from greenhouses raw. Such products must be boiled or steamed. During heat treatment, they will lose all the harmful substances with which they were treated.

  5. If you do not know the origin of vegetables and fruits, peel them, which trap a huge amount of pesticides.

  6. Be sure to remove the fat layer from fish or poultry fillets, where a huge number of chemical calories accumulate.

  7. Before adding water to the cereal, rinse it 6-7 times to remove harmful impurities.

  8. Do not cook soups with meat or fish broths, as they contain stimulants that were infused into chickens or fish.

  9. Avoid processed foods. Eat foods rich in fiber: it is excellent for removing toxins from the body.

  10. Rinse dishes thoroughly after using dishwashing detergent. Otherwise, chemical residues will settle on plates or cups and freely fall on organic food.

As you can see, the main idea behind the organic diet is to avoid foods that contain chemical additives and preservatives and opt for organic foods. Organic foods are foods grown without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and without genetically modified organisms.

An organic diet includes a varied and balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins and healthy fats. It is also important to monitor the quality of the water you drink and avoid foods containing hidden fats and sugars.

An organic diet can be beneficial for people who want to lose weight, improve their health, and reduce their risk of developing various diseases. However, like any other diet, it is not suitable for everyone and may have its disadvantages.

Before you start following an organic diet, it is important to discuss it with your doctor or nutritionist to make sure that this diet is right for you.