Diet Favorite

The “Favorite” diet is rightfully considered the most favorite among many women who constantly monitor their figure. And the point here is not only its simplicity and accessibility, but also the fact that in just seven days you can lose about 8-10 kilograms with the help of such a diet. Moreover, the advantage of this diet also lies in the fact that the lost kilograms do not return, and the body, one might say, is completely cleansed naturally.

So, all seven days of your favorite diet are structured in such a way that they separate the consumption of certain foods in the diet.

The first day is drinking: you are allowed to drink any liquid in unlimited quantities. By the way, broths, teas, and kefirs are considered especially desirable;

The second day is vegetable: it is recommended to eat any vegetables, for example, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, carrots, peppers as much as you like. It is also advisable to include cabbage in the diet of this day, which is a natural means of burning fat;

The third day is drinking: we repeat what we did on the first day, that is, we do not limit our body in consuming liquid;

The fourth day is fruity: on this day you can treat yourself to any fruit, for example, apples, oranges, bananas. It is especially advisable to include kiwi and grapefruit, which are excellent natural fat burners;

The fifth day is protein: preference should be given to products with a high protein content, for example, boiled chicken meat, eggs, yoghurts;

The sixth day is drinking: let’s pamper your body with enough liquid;

The seventh day is a balanced diet. This day is a way out of the diet and is distinguished by its individual menu:

For breakfast, it is recommended to eat 2 hard-boiled eggs and drink a glass of tea without sugar;

Second breakfast - any fruit;

Lunch – broth or light soup, for example, with rice or buckwheat;

Afternoon snack – any fruit;

Dinner - vegetable salad, seasoned with olive or vegetable oil, but not mayonnaise. It is also possible to add a small amount of salt to the salad.