Tangerine diet – minus 7 kilograms in 2 weeks!

Tangerines are a real treasure of the winter season. They have a pleasant taste and smell, as well as many beneficial properties for the body. But few people know that tangerines can help in the fight against excess weight. The tangerine diet is a simple and effective way to lose extra pounds and improve your health in a short time.

However, before you start this diet, you need to consider its contraindications. If you are allergic to citrus fruits, have stomach diseases (ulcers, gastritis with high acidity), liver and kidney diseases, skin diseases (eczema and dermatitis, psoriasis), then you should give up the tangerine diet. If you do not have such problems, then you can safely try this diet and make sure of its effectiveness.

The tangerine diet is designed for 2 weeks, during which you need to eat 6 egg whites and five tangerines per day. Tangerines completely saturate the body with sugars and vitamin C, creating an excellent mood, despite their low calorie content. The calorie content of tangerine is only 50 kcal per medium fruit, and sour ones - from 30 to 40 kcal. Thus, even after eating a dozen tangerines, you will remain far beyond your daily calorie intake.

Tangerines break down fats, enhancing metabolic processes in the body, which makes this diet scientifically sound. Tangerine juice is a healing drink that has been known since the times of the ancient Chinese emperors, who preferred it to all others. Today, doctors recommend drinking fresh tangerine juice for seriously ill and convalescent people, because it is a real vitamin cocktail. The large amount of vitamin C in tangerines is responsible for immunity and mood, which helps avoid depression during a diet.

However, you should not overuse tangerines and follow a diet for more than two weeks. It is important to remember about other healthy foods that are also necessary for proper nutrition. The tangerine diet is a good way to quickly lose weight and improve your mood, but do not forget about proper and nutritious nutrition in the future.

Thus, the tangerine diet is a simple and affordable way to lose excess weight in a short time. Please be aware of your health and consult your doctor before starting this diet, especially if you have any medical conditions or allergies. Don't forget that proper and nutritious nutrition is the basis of health, so after finishing the tangerine diet, it is important to return to your normal diet and make sure that you are getting all the necessary nutrients.