5 tricks to make your diet healthier

Do you want to switch to proper healthy eating, but don't know where to start? We have prepared 5 simple tricks for you that will help you eat better and healthier.

  1. Mix what you love with healthy foods

People often think that healthy food is boring and only tasty with restrictions. However, it is not! You can add healthy ingredients to your favorite dishes that will not only boost their nutritional value, but also make them more interesting to your palate. Cabbage makes a great addition to sausage and bacon, and broccoli makes a great addition to mustard sauce. Replace half a serving of pasta with fresh, seasonal vegetables to eat the same portion of your favorite dish but with far fewer calories and carbs. Instead of salt and pepper, use chili pepper, garlic, sun-dried tomatoes to enhance the taste, and instead of high-calorie sauces, use vegetable salsa. It is important to choose high-quality, preferably home-grown or farm-grown vegetables - their taste is much richer and their quality is higher.

  1. Try different variations of preparing the same products

Just because you don't like a product doesn't mean you don't like everything about it. Try cooking it in a different form or in combination with other foods. Don't like eggs? Try making bruschetta or salad with a poached egg instead of scrambled eggs or an omelet. Don't like beans? How about spears of asparagus sautéed in tomato sauce with ground beef? Try all types of vegetables and fruits - instead of regular carrots, you can try baby carrots, which are sweet and crunchy. Experiment and discover new tastes!

  1. Top 9 tips on how not to overeat

Often we eat not because we are really hungry, but because we are used to snacking at a certain time or because of emotional stress. To avoid overeating, increase the amount of healthy foods you eat and reduce the amount of unhealthy ones. Gradually increase the proportion of healthy foods in your diet every day. Doctors advise doubling the amount of vegetables in each dish, which will help you eat the same quantity, but the quality will be a completely different meal. If you really love meat, choose lean varieties and cook it on the grill, oven or steam to avoid excess fat. Remember to drink enough water to reduce hunger and avoid overeating. Also try to eat slowly, savoring every bite, and don't finish your meal if you feel full.

  1. Read product labels

Reading food labels will help you understand what you're eating and choose healthier options. Pay attention to the number of calories, sugar, fat and salt content. Avoid products that contain artificial additives, preservatives and dyes. The fewer ingredients on the list, the better. And remember that natural, unprocessed foods are always better than ready-made store-bought foods.

  1. Plan your diet

Planning your meals for the week will help you avoid temptations in stores and restaurants, and will also allow you to be more conscious about your diet. Create a menu for the week that includes healthy foods of different colors and nutrient groups. Buy your groceries ahead of time and prepare your main meals ahead of time so you have meals ready for the week ahead. Also, don't forget about snacking - prepare healthy snacks for the week so you don't have to look for something unhealthy when the urge to snack strikes.

Start small and gradually implement these simple tricks into your life, and you will see your diet become healthier and more varied.