What to drink to be healthy: 8 healthy drinks

Lent began a couple of days ago. And even those of us who are not going to strictly follow all the prohibitions have probably thought about how to improve our diet during this period. The easiest way is to drink more fluid. And today we will tell you how to do it with pleasure!

It's no secret that the healthiest drink for health is plain water. But it’s so boring to drink only water all the time, because you want taste sensations in addition to the benefits. Especially to solve this issue, we have prepared for you the TOP 8 best drinks for health!

Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice is a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements. It contains vitamins B, PP, C, as well as provitamin A (carotene), folacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6. All of them are involved in the processes of metabolism and synthesis of proteins in the body, have a normalizing effect on the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, and folacin, in addition, on the composition of the blood in some types of anemia. And most importantly for us girls, pomegranate is a strong antioxidant, which means we are no longer afraid of wrinkles. It is recommended to drink pomegranate juice diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio due to its high acidity.

Skimmed milk

As children, our parents forced us to drink milk because of its high calcium and vitamin D content. Scientists are still debating whether milk can be drunk by adults. But one thing is certain, it is an excellent source of protein and beneficial microelements for the body. We recommend choosing skim milk; it contains much less saturated fat, which reduces the load on the liver.

Green tea

We have already written about the incredible effects of tea on our health and beauty. And besides, the high caffeine content in green tea will invigorate you just as much as coffee, but much healthier. And remember about antioxidants and wrinkles, this is another reason to drink green tea.

Orange juice

Thanks to the high content of vitamin C, orange juice boosts immunity, relieves fatigue, including chronic fatigue, and strengthens blood vessels. It also removes nicotine from the body, which is especially important for smokers. During the off-season, orange juice is the ideal drink to restore strength and at the same time avoid vitamin deficiency.

Cranberry juice

Do you feel like you're getting sick? Drink a glass of cranberry juice immediately. Due to its high content of phenol and benzoic acid, it is a strong natural antibiotic. In terms of antimicrobial and antibacterial qualities, no other natural product can compare with it. Therefore, cranberry juice is recommended to be consumed both for various viral infectious diseases and for acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the body. It’s also very tasty and helps burn fat, which is an incomparably big plus.

Beet juice

Just don’t turn your nose away right away. We confidently assert that beet juice does not taste nasty, as many people think. And the benefits of beets for the body are simply enormous. As an example, beet juice lowers blood pressure, increases endurance and blood flow to the brain, improves liver function and has anti-aging effects. Not bad, right?

Hot chocolate

This is so that you don’t complain that we offer you drinks with a dubious taste here. Hot chocolate is not only incredibly tasty, but also very healthy. It contains potassium and calcium salts, which are necessary for healthy skin and bones. And with the help of milk added to hot chocolate, these salts are absorbed faster and almost completely. Also, hot chocolate contains a lot of iron and magnesium, which charge our body with energy and strength. Also, hot chocolate helps cope with painful cramps during menstruation. Just remember that hot chocolate is a bar of dark chocolate melted in cream or milk, and not a children's cocoa drink or what coffee machines offer us.

Ginger tea

Ginger is very beneficial for