Strict diets

If you want to lose weight and have good willpower, then strict diets are suitable for you. There are many strict diets, below are a few of them.

Strict diets. Options.
The strict chocolate diet lasts 5 days and is based on the consumption of dark chocolate and coffee.

Dr. Laskin's diet allows you to eat buckwheat and low-fat vegetarian dishes.

The strict milk diet lasts 3 days. During this time you will lose 2-3 kilograms, and the basis of the diet is milk, cocoa, honey and vegetable broth.

The celery strict diet lasts 14 days, and the basis of nutrition is celery soup.

The kefir diet is one of the most popular strict diets. There are many options for a kefir diet.

There is another strict diet in which onions, garlic and hot spices are excluded from the diet. Allowed drinks are tea without sugar and clean water (except for the first day). You don’t have to limit yourself to portions of food. On this diet you will lose 6 kilograms.

Strict diet. Menu:

On this day you can only drink 2 glasses of water. In the evening, ideally take a hot bath, or better yet, a sauna. The day before you should not eat after 6 pm, and at 10 pm it is recommended to eat a teaspoon of honey and drink warm water.


Breakfast - porridge on water without sugar and salt
Lunch - water soup from 4 types of vegetables (you can add potatoes and rice, salt is prohibited)
Dinner - kefir


Breakfast - 1 seasonal fruit
Lunch - vegetable salad
Dinner - fruit


Breakfast - fruit
Lunch - vegetable salad
Dinner - fruit


Breakfast - boiled rice
Lunch - rice and pureed tomatoes without salt
Dinner - rice


Breakfast - cottage cheese, sprouted wheat + tea
Lunch - any lunch from previous days + bread
Dinner - kefir


Menu of any previous day

Despite effective weight loss when following strict diets, experts do not recommend their use due to the guaranteed negative impact on health. Strict diets, which essentially completely exclude fats, proteins or carbohydrates from the diet, cannot fully provide the body with the necessary nutrients and vitamins.