Candy diet: minus 5 kg per week without feeling hungry

I would never have thought that such a diet existed, but it is a fact. As it became known during long questioning, such a sweet diet came to us from climbers and avid hikers. They have long noticed that lollipops perfectly suppress hunger without burdening the stomach. These wonderful qualities were immediately noticed by the climbers’ friends and also took note of these advantages of caramels, and then they themselves began to use them as a means of losing weight.

So, the essence of the diet is that traditional meals are replaced with candies. On average, one pack of sweets is dissolved per day, which is approximately 75 grams. If you need to lose weight quickly, then you can’t eat anything else except candy. If you want to lose 2-3 kilograms per month, traditional meals are preserved for up to 16 hours, and only dinner is replaced with candies and all evening and night hunger attacks are extinguished.

You can create an individual weight loss program for yourself and use this diet, say, once a week - as a fasting day. In your experiment, start using lollipops from different brands, such as Bon Paris, Sula and others. Then use fortified caramels, which are sold in many pharmacies.

For the first week, choose a strict program for yourself and do not eat anything except these candies. In the first day you can lose 1.2 kilograms and feel quite comfortable. Lollipops perfectly suppress hunger, and you don’t feel like eating at all. By the way, which is important, the energy does not decrease.

During the second and third days of the diet, you will become lighter by another 1.8 kilograms without much effort. If you lose weight a little slower, your health will not worsen. Over the next four days, weight loss occurs by approximately 0.5 kilograms per day. Thus, in the first week you can lose 5 kilograms, and there will be no need for such a strict diet.

Gradually we need to return to the previous type of nutrition. To ensure that your efforts don’t go to waste, you shouldn’t immediately pounce on food. In the second week, reinstate only breakfast and you will continue to lose about 2 kilograms per week. In the third week, you can return lunch in full, in which case weight loss will continue by an average of 1 kilogram per week. If you are satisfied with the result, you can complete the course. But in any case, it is useful to arrange preventive fasting days once a week.

The “lollipop” diet has a number of advantages over other methods of losing weight:

  1. Most diets are dangerous because after completing them, as well as directly during the course, you are irresistibly drawn to sweets, and many ultimately cannot stand it. I’ll say right away: the “candy” diet is completely devoid of this defect.

  2. Many diets are based on the consumption of low-calorie foods. In this case, a large amount of these products is required to saturate the body, as a result of which you risk stretching your stomach.

  3. We often forget that a person should drink about two liters of fluid per day. With the “lollipop” diet, you will not be able to forget about this.

  4. All dietary medications are expensive, and a pack of lollipops will cost you 10-20 rubles a day.

  5. If you are really tired of caramels, alternate this diet with fruit or dairy.

  6. If you brush your teeth three to four times a day or rinse your mouth with a special solution, you will not only be able to get rid of the constant sweetish taste in your mouth, but also reliably protect your teeth from caries.

If you have successfully completed the candy diet, you can be proud that you have not become a fat and gluttonous sweet tooth.