Sweets that don't ruin your figure

Your friends call you a sweet tooth because sweets, chocolate, and cakes are your fetish. And although you know from an early age that eating a lot of sweets is harmful, it is still difficult to deny yourself. Necessity or “white death”? Read on about the benefits and harms of sweets.
Carbohydrates are a source of energy in their pure form, which is why our body needs them so much. But if their quantity significantly exceeds the body's energy needs, they begin to turn into fat. It is a well-known fact that glucose is a real fuel for mental activity, but the body is not able to recognize harmful carbohydrates found in confectionery and candies. Therefore, a love of sweets and a passive lifestyle lead to excess weight and health problems. Then a variety of sugar substitutes are used, which contain a low amount of calories and remain sweet in taste. American studies have proven that such an alternative can cause serious diseases, including cancer. Instead, nutritionists advise accustoming yourself to healthy carbohydrates.

Contains fructose, vitamins A, B, C and many microelements. Honey is good for the heart and strengthens the immune system in case of illness.

Molasses is a natural sweetener. This sweet syrup contains phosphoric acid and B vitamins, which are so necessary for the nervous system.

Fruits and vegetables
In addition to glucose and fructose, fruits and vegetables contain healthy fiber and vitamins.

Reduce your daily sugar intake

  1. When preparing a recipe for a dish, add half the amount of sugar specified.
  2. Use cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg to add spice and flavor variety to the dish.
  3. Make your own sauces and dressings.
  4. Add fresh or dried fruit to porridge and oatmeal instead of sugar.
  5. Instead of baked goods and sweets, eat raw vegetables and cheese.
  6. Replace sweet cookies with bread and crackers.
  7. Avoid sugary drinks. Instead, make fresh juices and use regular soda.