Raw diet

Raw diet: Nutrition system, features and sample menu

A raw diet, also known as a plant-based diet, is one of the most popular weight loss methods in the world today. This diet is based on the idea that a raw and plant-based diet can bring a lot of energy and beauty to any body. The author of the raw diet is supermodel Carol Alt, who claims that a raw diet will slow down the aging process and help restructure the body to eat plant-based foods.

The raw diet is based on reducing the calories and carbohydrates consumed, which means weight loss is inevitable. However, this diet is quite strict, and before you start following it, you should consult your doctor.

Basic principles of a raw diet

The raw diet is based on the idea of ​​eating only raw plant foods. When cooking, all the main enzymes in food are lost, and in its natural form, food cannot clog the body with toxins. Therefore, 75% of food consumed should be raw. These can be vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, dried fruits, sprouted grains, spices and herbs.

Some people following a raw diet add lean poultry or fish to their diet. The only drinks allowed are plain water or fruit juices.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Raw Diet

The benefits of a raw diet are that it helps you lose weight, improves digestion, lowers cholesterol, improves skin and hair, and increases energy levels.

However, a raw diet also has some disadvantages. First, it is quite tough and can lead to deficiencies in some important nutrients, including protein, fat, calcium and vitamin B12. Secondly, a raw diet can lead to increased gas formation and stomach discomfort.

Sample raw diet menu

A sample raw diet menu might look like this:

Breakfast - fruit salad (add a handful of almonds, a handful of pumpkin seeds and a handful of sprouted wheat to the salad) + a glass of low-fat milk.

Lunch - salad (cabbage, tomatoes, onions, capsicum, parsley, lentils + dressing - olive oil).

Dinner - any vegetable soup, a handful of sunflower seeds, cheddar cheese + a cup of raspberries.

As you can see from the sample menu, the raw diet is based on eating plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts. It is also important to ensure adequate protein by adding lean poultry or fish to your diet.

In conclusion, a raw diet can be an effective way to lose weight and improve your health, but you should consult your doctor before starting it. It is also important to monitor your nutrient intake to avoid deficiencies in important vitamins and minerals.