Evening food and creativity

Evening zhor, bom, bom... Evening zhor... And this evening zhor nullifies all successes in the holy struggle for harmony. Well, how can we stop him, the damned one? Well, how can you achieve the morning state in the evening when you don’t feel like eating at all?
After all, in the morning there is no desire to fill your stomach: just coffee and a light sandwich and you’re off to work. During the day, it’s easy to stay within the limits of a reasonable diet - you’re completely absorbed in production matters, and you only need food to satisfy your hunger and get an energy boost. The early evening after work is also not dangerous for the stomach, or rather, its overfilling - it drags on the cycle of home, family responsibilities, parental problems, you can’t really indulge or gourmet: there’s no time, God willing, to do everything around the house.
But late in the evening, when work and household chores are completed, this is where the nasty feeling in the pit of your stomach begins. Meanwhile, the prescribed daily food ration has already been fully implemented: the body is fed, watered, and it’s time for it to sleep. However, sleep stubbornly does not come, but instead an irresistible desire to eat comes. And the weak man, cursing himself, his vile stomach and unstable psyche, rushes to the kitchen, sweeping into his mouth everything edible that comes his way, and throwing himself into the arms of the treacherous refrigerator, instead of falling into the arms of Morpheus...
As a biologist-nutritionist, in my articles I explain in detail why it is in the evening that appetite runs rampant and control is lost: circadian metabolic rhythms, secretion of hormones and enzymes, change of dominants, etc. But my highly scientific explanations and standard recommendations are to eat an apple or low-fat yogurt in the evening and to stop here - sometimes only cause irritation to readers: not everyone and not always succeeds in following this wise recommendation. Often the organic acids of apple and yogurt stimulate a powerful appetite, the owner of which passionately rushes to everything edible that is within reach. But those lucky ones who decently went to bed, bypassing the shameful trip to the kitchen, with honor endured the daily diet and complied with their calorie limit - they leave their gastrointestinal tract to rest peacefully until the morning, without burdening it with additional secretion of digestive components, and may not be afraid that extra fat grams will accumulate overnight.
So, the best way to prevent the refrigerator from opening is to close your eyelashes in time. Let’s formulate the task: we need to distract the body from the urge to eat and from going to food bins. We need a reliable anorectic – i.e. appetite suppressant. This is where a creative approach is needed: from a huge number of methods and tips, choose exactly what suits you, what works for you as an anorectic, what exactly you will do without tension and violence.
Some people are fascinated by easy evening gymnastics, for which you don’t even need special equipment; you can easily get by with improvised means: bottles of water instead of dumbbells, tubes from a vacuum cleaner instead of a gymnastic stick, as well as a mat, a chair, a table for a spin-up. Remember the film “Ruthless People” - the plump heroine Barbara (actress Bette Midler), ignoring the dinner on display, exercises with the help of improvised means: weights are replaced by cans of paint, a wall bars are replaced by a headboard and shelves, a jump rope is replaced by a chain, and for jumping, There is no need for special equipment for squats and push-ups. But she is not at all drawn to food, she doesn’t even look towards the tray with plates. The result is magnificent: Barbara is getting slimmer before our eyes.
An hour-long walk at a fast pace is an effective anorectic, but during the walk your thoughts should be far, far away from food, think about anything but food, and during the walk do not stop at grocery stores. Housekeeping helps many people: if you have the energy to clean the apartment in the evening, do hand washing or put the dishes in order, etc.