Nutrition secrets of oriental beauties

Women of the East, in order to be beautiful and slender, long-lived, take care of their health, lead a measured lifestyle and eat healthy food. Eastern nutritionists advise eating 5 different vegetables and fruits every day. This way you can get the required daily intake of vitamins and nutrients. Moreover, vegetables and fruits must be fresh: during processing, most of the beneficial substances are lost in them.

Nutrition Features:

  1. Almost no dish in the East is complete without the aromatic ginger root. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is used as a remedy for the treatment of flu and colds, strengthening the immune system, and as a stimulant of the digestive system.

  2. Soy is a favorite source of protein for vegetarians; soy is included in many Eastern dishes. Tofu (bean curd), miso (soybean paste), and soy milk are an integral part of the Japanese feast. Soy contains all the amino acids a person needs, but has very little fat, which means it lowers cholesterol and prevents heart disease.

  3. The Japanese eat a huge amount of fish. After all, it contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on heart function. Hence the statistics according to which Japanese residents are 5 times less likely to die from a heart attack than Americans, who instill in us a fast food culture.

  4. In the East, tea is a whole philosophy. For us, it is an excellent thirst quencher, a source of antioxidants (protect cells from external and internal toxins), polyphenols (stimulate the growth of intestinal microflora), vitamins C and E. Green tea lowers blood pressure, blood sugar levels and prevents cancer. And black increases immunity, prevents heart disease, and even freshens breath.

  5. Brown unrefined cane sugar, unlike white sugar, is absorbed more slowly by the body. Thus, it prevents excess weight gain. This is an absolutely environmentally friendly product. In addition, it amazingly subtly emphasizes the taste properties of coffee and tea.

To please men and be in good shape, Eastern women are very careful about their figure, so they eat in small portions. Doctors say that the portion should always be divided into 2-3 parts, this is much healthier.