Why are you deceiving yourself: dispelling popular myths about nutrition and diets

In the modern world, there are many misconceptions and myths about proper nutrition and weight loss. Let's debunk some of them:

Myth 1: Protein diets are the most effective way to lose weight.

In fact, although such diets allow you to quickly lose weight, their effect is short-lived and requires constant reinforcement in the gym.

Myth 2: Liquid diets reduce stomach size.

The stomach is a muscular organ that stretches when eating and contracts afterwards. Its size can only be reduced surgically. A liquid diet only gets the body used to smaller portions.

Myth 3: Citrus fruits burn fat.

In fact, they simply speed up metabolism, preventing fat from being deposited.

Myth 4: Nuts are too fatty and bad for weight loss.

In fact, nuts are great for satisfying hunger thanks to healthy protein and fiber without the unhealthy saturated fat.

Myth 5: Floury and sweet foods lead to weight gain.

The main thing is the fat content in the product, not carbohydrates. You can eat delicious, low-fat sweets without gaining weight.

Myth 6: It’s good to drink juice as often as possible.

Due to the high sugar content, it is better to eat fruits - their fiber saturates better and lasts longer.

Myth 7: Red meat interferes with weight loss.

Although it contains unhealthy fats, it also contains healthy proteins, zinc and iron, which are very satiating without turning into fat.

Myth 8: Fruits are best eaten for dessert.

It’s better on the contrary, to whet the appetite - but on a full stomach they can cause pain and gas.

Myth 9: Chewing gum cleans your teeth.

In fact, because of its high sugar content, gum is just as unhealthy as candy. Chew it for no more than 3 minutes so as not to irritate the gastric mucosa.

As you can see, many common myths about healthy eating turn out to be misconceptions. It is important to approach information critically and not deceive yourself!