Unusual diets: what is sun eating

Sun eating: diet or dangerous experiment?

When we talk about diets, we usually mean limiting or changing what you eat to lose weight or improve your health. But there is a diet that completely denies food and even water as such. This diet is called sun-eating (also known as prana-eating or breatharianism), and its adherents claim that they get everything they need for life from the sun's rays and air.

Sun eating has its roots in the philosophical movement of Hinduism, where prana (the life force emanating from the sun) plays an important role. According to this diet, a person can receive nutrition not only from food, but also from sunlight and air, which contain elements necessary for life. However, as science shows, such a statement has no scientific basis.

Modern science is skeptical about this way of eating, since it completely contradicts the capabilities of the body. In fact, the human body requires certain nutrients that cannot be obtained from sunlight and air. And while some sun eaters claim they feel great and don't feel hungry, it can have serious health consequences.

Sun eating is a diet for the hardened and patient. It will not be possible to switch to it in two days - according to one of the most popular methods, it will be possible to completely adapt to the diet after 9 months. To do this, you need to walk barefoot for at least 45 minutes a day and look at the sun. Starting from 10 seconds, over several months it can reach 44 minutes, and then stop completely (although many, not knowing this rule, watch for several hours). The main thing is not to look at the sun during the day, it will harm your eyes, just before sunrise or sunset.

It is believed that after you establish “contact” with the earth and the sun, your body itself will understand what to gradually give up in food. However, this is not scientifically proven, and following such a diet can lead to serious health problems, including weakness, dizziness, anemia, nutritional deficiencies and even organic damage.

Sun eating can be a dangerous experiment, especially if you do not have sufficient training and knowledge on how to properly follow such a diet. A person who has seriously decided to take up sun eating should definitely consult a doctor and nutritionist to get qualified advice and learn how to properly balance their diet.

Overall, there are many proven, safe methods for controlling weight and improving your health that don't require cutting out food or water. If you want to change your lifestyle and improve your health, seek professional help and choose the method that is most suitable for you and your body.