Why do we dream about chocolate, or lose weight according to biorhythms?

Any woman is familiar with the obsessive thought of forbidden chocolate, which for some reason begins to haunt us precisely when we decide to go on a diet. But literally a few days pass, and the chocolate successfully leaves our fantasies. Do you think it's a matter of willpower? Well, in it, of course, too... Although the main violin in the appearance and disappearance of such desires is played by our hormones and the biorhythms created by them.

For some reason, most women who go on a diet are convinced that they can do it any Monday, and that their all-consuming desire to lose weight will cope with absolutely any obstacles. And sometimes it really overcomes them. But at what cost? If you really decide to lose weight, but don’t want to ruin your health and character, you should still listen to yourself sometimes. Or more precisely, to the hormonal biorhythms, in accordance with which the female body lives.

So, on average, the full cycle of changes happening to us takes 28 days and includes three phases. For some it is a little longer, for others it is a little shorter. But the laws of changes occurring in the female body are absolutely unchanged and coincide for everyone.

Phase 1: Time to go on a diet

These two weeks are the best time not only to start a new life and go on a diet, but also in general for any feats that require a lot of energy and a good mood. On average, the loss can be about 1.5-2 kg.

Phase 2: Time to relax a little

In this phase, you can only slightly increase the number of calories, occasionally allowing yourself to deviate from the diet. Most often, you even manage to lose 0.5-1 kg.

3rd phase: time for a little gluttony

Alas, the third phase, which begins about a week before menstruation, is usually overshadowed by PMS with all the problems that accompany it, including its constant desire to cry and eat.

As you understand, only a crazy person can go on a diet in such a state! Although you should be prepared in advance that by the end of this phase your weight will inevitably increase a little. But usually this growth has to do with an increase in water reserves, and not at all fat.

So, if you really want to lose weight, do not forget about your hormonal biorhythms and choose the right time for this. Then you will succeed!