Doctors allowed to eat “harmful” foods

Francis Chon, a practicing oncologist surgeon and president of the Euro-Asian Association of Colorectal Technologies, rebelled against the division of products into “harmful” and “useful.” The respected professor said that this approach to dietetics is fundamentally wrong.

Refusal of some products in favor of others can give positive results only with an individual approach to the patient. We are all uniquely designed and it is unwise to create any general rules, says Dr. Chon. So when asked which foods are harmful and which are good for health, he replies that it’s not about the foods, but about the balance of the diet and the individual needs of each person.

Food must be related to energy expenditure and contain all the elements necessary for the health of the body. You cannot reduce your calorie intake and increase your physical activity at the same time. If you have worked actively, then it makes sense to eat just as actively. And what exactly will you eat, listen to yourself. Scientists say that any useful product contains, among other things, harmful substances. But this is not a reason to refuse food at all?

Another study conducted by American scientists identified two berries, the consumption of which slows down brain aging. Blueberries and strawberries will help delay the deterioration of brain function for at least two years. These same berries can cause allergies. Which once again confirms that there are no universal products!