Tomato was named the top product of the year

Summing up the results of the year, scientists have decided on a list of products considered the most useful. Olive oil has lost its top spot and moved to the bottom of the list. And the tomato was in the lead.

Tomatoes are recognized as the most healthy vegetables not only because of their rich content of antioxidants, glucose, fructose, iodine, sodium, magnesium, manganese, zinc and vitamins A, B, B2, B6, K, PP, E. They also include the substance , capable of defeating cancer. Several studies have already confirmed the fact that actively eating tomatoes can serve as a prevention of cancer. You just have to remember that it is better to eat tomatoes raw, since when cooked, the acid contained in the fruit turns from beneficial to harmful. In addition, you should not combine tomatoes with dairy products. This disrupts calcium metabolism in the body.

Following tomatoes on the list of health benefits are: sweet peppers and berries, rich in vitamins and minerals. And also spinach, which can destroy cancer cells. Next comes soy nuts - a low-calorie and low-fat product that can replace classic nuts. Scientists also noted live yogurts that fight for the prosperity of intestinal microflora.

Rounding out the list are olive oil, salmon and lean beef. However, there are some questions about red meat. Because, according to one version, its use can cause cancer. In addition, animal protein is poorly digested and sometimes causes mild intoxication of the body, noticeable by worsening mood.

Author: Maria Lukina