Losing weight like a king. Diet of the Duchess of Cambridge Catherine

Do you want to know how the noble women of France and the royal family of Britain maintain excellent physical shape without becoming slaves to grueling diets and fitness centers? All this thanks to four simple tips. As soon as the Duchess of Cambridge, Catherine, admitted that she owed her slimness and health to the simple and very effective Dukan diet, everyone immediately became interested in the new technique. We present to your attention an unusually easy diet with which we can begin to lose weight like a king right now!

Step 1: Attack Phase
There is only one protein in your diet. This does not mean that you need to sit on eggs alone; choose foods that contain the maximum amount of protein, for example: lean meat, low-fat dairy products, fish. Such an abundance of food will allow you to always be full of energy and not think about constant hunger. This stage lasts from two to seven days.

Step 2: Flight Phase
The second phase is a little more complicated - the diet now consists only of raw or boiled vegetables. There are no specific foods, just eat whatever vegetables you want as much as you like. Stick to this regimen for exactly five days, after which you will be pleasantly surprised when you decide to step on the scale.

Step 3: Consolation Stage
Now you can safely add two slices of bread, a portion of fruit, cheese, and chocolate to your vegetable diet. You can also afford any “holiday” dish twice a week. This stage lasts 25 days. Why so long? The main disadvantage of all diets is that a person begins to quickly gain weight after completing the course. The comfort diet will help you normalize your new weight over the course of a month and forget about your previous weight forever.

Step 4: Normalization Phase
Now you can remember your favorite dishes and other delicacies, but just don’t forget about their quality and health benefits. Eat whatever your heart desires, except one day a week. Otherwise you will be back to the attack phase again.