Vampire's Kiss cures cellulite

"Would you like to see?" - a handsome doctor with a soft voice and snow-white hands asks me. “Leecher” (correctly – hirudotherapist) Vadim Evgenievich is absolutely not similar to the evil Duremar from “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, but apparently he also treats these “dear little boogers” with tenderness. So, I look: a square half-liter jar made of greenish glass, dark brown ribbons, as if made of suede, swaying in the water, beautifully intertwining and unraveling - what, tell me, is not an original decoration for the bathroom? There is nothing disgusting, but they also say: ugh, leeches, what disgusting things!

It turns out that this little creature with three toothy jaws, in exchange for a few milligrams of your blood, can give you beauty, slimness and relief from cellulite. Why is the tiny medicinal leech so great and powerful? By the way, representatives of only one of its 400 species can make us more graceful.


By the way, why a leech and not a bug, for example? Also sucks blood...

It turns out that hirudotherapy is a triple blow to fat folds, cellulite mounds, swollen face and sagging skin. Miracles of weight loss consist of several factors: reflex, biological and mechanical.

The reflex effect is implemented simply: the leech bites the skin in certain places - acupuncture points. The doctor can only direct the leech to the appropriate area, but where exactly it needs to be sucked on - she chooses herself. The mechanism of this effect is similar to acupuncture, only in this case the leech is a living “needle”. It is alive - and this is much more effective, because when it sucks blood, the leech gives its saliva to the person in return. And here the biological effect begins.

Leeches will help you become slimmer - but provided that you do not forget about a healthy lifestyle.

Leech saliva contains about 150 well-studied enzymes that activate the immune system, speed up metabolism, and eliminate inflammatory processes. For those who want to lose weight, two enzymes are especially relevant: lipase, which breaks down fat, and hyaluronidase, which “breaks” the membranes of cellulite capsules.

And the third magical factor is the mechanical unloading of blood and lymph flow, and not only external congestions are eliminated (oh, that swollen face and legs!), but also those that form around the internal organs. As a result, fluid is redistributed in the body.

What does this look like in practice?

“My patients notice that, first of all, volumes decrease: trousers or skirts begin to hang out at the waist. Weight comes off very slowly and smoothly - about 5% of body weight per month,” says V. E. Pankov.


I ask a question that has been in my head for a long time:

  1. Now, if a woman has cellulite and a fat butt, do you take and pour leeches onto her thighs so that they look for these very acupuncture points?

  2. In no case! - Vadim Evgenievich even clasped his hands in protest. – The doctor selects the area for placing leeches individually for each person.
    It all depends on the cause of excess weight: after all, a person should not get fat just like that, it means that he has some kind of internal disorders. Fat deposited in the wrong places is a consequence of all sorts of internal problems. As a rule, these are hormonal changes, so first of all, the hirudologist normalizes the functioning of the endocrine glands: reproductive, thyroid, pancreas. So after the course, the body begins to work in a normal rhythm, and fat begins to burn properly.

Even several months after the course, those “bitten by leeches” continue to successfully lose weight.

  1. It turns out that before a leech bites you on cellulite, you still need to get tested?

  2. And quite a lot: for blood clotting, for hormones, for the presence of infections and some others. It happens that preliminary tests are worth