Fruit-vegetable diet

The fruit and vegetable diet was developed by one famous American actress, Cilla Black. Thanks to the fruit and vegetable diet, Cilla Black promises us a weight loss of five kilograms in just one month. The main principle of the diet, which must be adhered to, is to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. But fish and meat products can only be eaten in quantities of 150 grams.
This fruit and vegetable diet alternates between a “hard” week and an “easy” one.

Basic recommendations for a fruit and vegetable diet: eliminate all alcohol. You can drink mineral water as much as you like. It is advisable to include in your daily diet the consumption of diet drinks, lemon tea without sugar and black coffee.

1 and 3 weeks.

Fruit and vegetable diet menu
Breakfast every day consists of the same products: half a melon, mango or grapefruit and bran toast.

Dinner. You need to choose one of the following lunch options:

  1. cold meat, from which all fat must be removed, pieces of tomatoes, green vegetable salad;
  2. grilled fish, green vegetables, a piece of durum wheat bread;
  3. salad from any fresh fruit in unlimited quantities, eat whatever you want;
  4. light broth, two pcs. eggs, soft-boiled or boiled “in a bag”, tomatoes, salad made from green vegetables, a piece of durum wheat bread;
  5. 75 grams of homemade cheese, a slice of bread, a salad mixed from any vegetables, fruits.

Dinner. There are also several options available here:

  1. grilled fish, green vegetables, fruits, a piece of durum wheat bread;
  2. steak, preferably lean, or chop (low-fat), green vegetables or vegetable salad;
  3. casserole made from lamb or beef (without fat), salad or green vegetables;
  4. fried or grilled turkey or chicken (necessarily without skin), green vegetables or salad;
  5. grilled liver, green vegetables or salad, stewed onions.

Second and fourth weeks:
During these weeks, you can make small concessions to yourself, but do not forget that you are still on a diet.

The main rule of the fruit and vegetable diet is to try to keep yourself within reasonable limits. You can afford to drink one glass of wine, but it must be dry; add only low-fat low-percentage milk to your coffee or tea. It is prohibited to consume sugar and other various sweets.