How to use juices to strengthen your immune system in spring?

Everyone knows about the benefits of juice, but how to choose from a rich assortment exactly what will best affect the health of our body? In our material you will find information about each juice separately and about its beneficial properties. The following juices include only freshly squeezed juices, which must be consumed within 10 minutes of preparation.

Orange juice contains high levels of vitamin C. It can be an excellent remedy for colds and poisoning. It also helps with neuroses, hypotension, nervous overload and asthenic conditions.

Grape juice is good to use for anemia, loss of strength and general exhaustion. Especially useful for children's bodies.

Pineapple juice, in addition to effectively burning calories, sharpens the senses. It is often called the “drink of love.”

Grapefruit juice helps normalize metabolism and blood pressure. However, if you are taking medications for hypertension, allergies, or heart disease, it is advisable to exclude grapefruit juice from your diet. The drink blocks some enzymes, which reduces the absorption of some drugs and, conversely, increases others. The juice is also dietary and promotes weight loss.

Lemon juice is an excellent remedy for headaches.

Apricot juice cleanses the liver. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. It also improves the condition and color of the skin, and is useful for myopia.

Pomegranate juice is considered to be hematopoietic and helps strengthen the immune system. Pomegranate fruits are rich in vitamins, fiber, and minerals. 5 pomegranate seeds can replace one apple and orange combined. The drink helps with anemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis and diseases of the biliary tract. Serves as an auxiliary medicine for colds and bronchitis. Promotes the functioning of the kidneys and thyroid gland, improves the condition of the skin and hair.

Pear juice is the best drink for fasting days. Prevents obesity and improves metabolism.

Apple juice contains high levels of iron, potassium and boron. Helps strengthen bones.

Cherry juice is indispensable for diets. The drink activates enzymes, thanks to which, after drinking a glass of juice, you satisfy your hunger.

Sea buckthorn juice is rich in vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, C, E), organic acids and minerals (manganese, iron, boron). Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Promotes the removal of salt and radioactive elements from the body.

Plum juice normalizes intestinal function and helps with constipation.

Peach juice is good for heart disease; it contains potassium salts, which nourish the heart muscle and prevent the development of a heart attack.

Rosehip juice helps strengthen the immune system, promote good metabolism, also improves appetite and restores performance. Helps with stomach diseases, is an excellent diuretic.

Tomato juice is a dietary drink rich in vitamin C and helps improve memory. Anyone who controls the level of salt in their body should limit their consumption of tomato juice, as it contains high levels of sodium.

Carrot juice is especially beneficial for those with poor eyesight. Thanks to its high content of provitamin A, it improves eye health. The potassium contained in the juice is beneficial for cardiovascular diseases and kidney problems. In addition, carrot juice is very useful for women to drink during pregnancy.