How did Khloe Kardashian lose 20 kilograms in a month?

The 27-year-old sister of socialite Kim Kardashian, Chloe, appeared on the cover of the American edition of Life&Style with a new figure. As it became known, the reality TV star lost 20 kilograms within a month.

Chloe has always been a big girl, she couldn't control her appetite, constantly overeated and had complexes about being overweight.

However, she managed to pull herself together and began working out with her husband, American basketball player Lamar Odom, in the gym. Chloe’s position is this: it’s better to eat your favorite treat and then work out in the gym than to deprive yourself of pleasure.

The personal trainer of Kardashian’s husband, Robbie Davis, created a special diet for his client and told the media about it. He emphasized fresh fruits, vegetables and protein.

Khloe Kardashian's diet:

Breakfast: bacon, eggs or oatmeal, fruit.
Lunch: Baked salmon and brown rice or green salad and fruit.
Afternoon snack: apple with peanut butter.
Dinner: Fried chicken with vegetables or salad.