Protein-fruit diet

A protein-vegetable diet involves a combination and alternation of protein and vegetable foods. The main feature of such a diet is its variety, because thanks to the alternation of foods, you do not need to torment yourself with boring dishes.

The diet minimizes fat consumption and completely eliminates sugar and starch-containing foods: sweet vegetables and fruits, flour and confectionery products, cereals, potatoes, corn, legumes.

But the following are allowed: cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, zucchini, cabbage, tomatoes, mushrooms, fish, poultry, boiled or baked meat, lard in limited quantities, tea without sugar.

There are several types of protein-vegetable diet:

  1. Lasts 5 days, excludes potatoes, alcohol and soda. You can lose 3-4 kg.

  2. Lasts 3-4 days. Boiled meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, cheese, ham, vegetables except potatoes are allowed. Lose 2-3 kg.

  3. Lasts 1-4 days. Breakfast - kefir, cottage cheese. Lunch - vegetable soup and salad. Dinner - vegetables, meat, broth. Lose up to 1 kg per day.