Breakfast for beauty and health: how to have breakfast correctly

Nutritionists unanimously say that breakfast is the most important part of a person’s diet. How to eat breakfast for beauty and health, read in our material.

You can't skip breakfast. The best domestic and Western nutritionists are loudly trumpeting this. It is believed that if you eat breakfast regularly, your lifestyle can already be called healthy. The ideal time for breakfast is from 7 to 9 am. During this period of time, the body digests food best. It’s also nice that morning is the only time of day when you don’t have to think too much about calories. Everything you eat in the morning will be used to produce energy.


Ideal breakfast foods are porridge, muesli (not instant), sandwiches, buns, cottage cheese and eggs. Nutritionists say that you can’t have the same breakfast. The diet should include grain, dairy (curd) and egg breakfasts. The best drinks to start the day with are coffee with milk, black tea or herbal teas. As for juices, it is better to drink them an hour after the main meal.

Options for a proper breakfast can be the following: porridge, chicken sandwich and coffee with milk; cottage cheese, cheese sandwich and sweet tea or boiled eggs, sweet cottage cheese and a bun with tea. Don’t be afraid to experiment; you can afford it when it comes to breakfast.


The most useless thing for breakfast is sausage, bananas, processed cheese and buns in their pure form. Of course, these products do not require cooking and will quickly give you a feeling of fullness, but not for long. Within a short period of time you will want to eat again.

Also, you should not drink citrus juices on an empty stomach, as this can be harmful to the stomach. As for coffee, you can drink it, but only after meals, since on an empty stomach it will cause discomfort in the stomach and also increase the load on the heart.


It is often difficult to force yourself to get up 15 minutes earlier to make time for breakfast. To train yourself to do this, make breakfast time your own time. While eating your morning omelet, make plans for the future, think about what dress you want to wear on an upcoming date, or think about Brad Pitt.

After all, if you think about it, there is so little time in the day when there is no fuss around, the body does not feel tired and you can sit alone with yourself. Let the beginning of the day always be positive for you.