Ice cream diet

Ice cream diet: how to lose weight without giving up your favorite treat

Many of us love ice cream, but consider it the “enemy” of our figure. However, there is an ice cream diet that allows you not only to enjoy this delicacy, but also to lose excess weight.

How it works? Ice cream is a product rich in protein, vitamins and microelements. When used correctly, it can be used as a complete replacement for regular food, without disturbing the nutritional balance and without compromising your gourmet needs. Ice cream also contains hormones and enzymes that promote active metabolic processes, which helps speed up the weight loss process.

However, to use ice cream as a staple food, you need to follow certain rules. Firstly, the total number of calories per day should not exceed 1500 Kcal. Most of the serving (4/5) should be consumed for breakfast and lunch, and only 1/5 for dinner.

Secondly, you need to determine whether you will be replacing ice cream for part of your daily diet or all of your diet. If you choose the first option, remember that a cup of milk ice cream can be replaced with the same amount of low-fat yogurt without compromising the final result. The largest lunch portion should be two ice creams, and any additions in the form of chocolate, pistachios or jam will reduce the portion of the ice cream itself.

And thirdly, ice cream should contain only natural animal products. Synthetic ice cream contains more synthetic additives and fewer nutrients. To choose the best option for yourself, take the time to study the packaging. To lose weight, you will want a product that does not contain palm or coconut oil, but only vegetable fat.

It is important to remember that you can go on a frozen diet for no longer than a week, as it can harm your health. With proper use of the ice cream diet, you can lose up to 7 kg in a week, maintaining the result for a long time.

To improve the effectiveness of your ice cream diet, be sure to drink plenty of still water and eat fresh vegetables. It is also recommended to lick the ice cream rather than bite it to avoid problems with teeth and throat.

In conclusion, the ice cream diet is not only an opportunity to lose weight, but also a way to treat yourself to a delicious treat without feeling guilty. The main thing is to follow the rules and choose natural ice cream with a minimum content of calories and synthetic additives. This way, you can enjoy your favorite product without being upset about excess weight.