Weight Loss Marathon 2014 starts in Ukraine

The World Health Organization reports that the situation with overweight in Ukraine is comparable to an epidemic: half of our fellow citizens are overweight, and every fifth is obese. Every fourth woman suffers from excess weight. Against the backdrop of excess weight and poor nutrition, 1.2 million Ukrainians have diabetes mellitus. The main reasons for the widespread obesity of Ukrainians are improper, unbalanced nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, and hereditary factors.

However, despite the rather gloomy statistics, any of us is quite capable of avoiding the troubles associated with extra pounds. The main thing is to approach the problem correctly. Advertising promises many ways to quickly lose weight, but few people realize how safe they are for health. Quite often people rush to extremes in the form of exhausting diets and starvation. But the result is short-term; the only way to get a beautiful and healthy body is through strength training. Only strength training can affect metabolism and restore normal skeletal muscle content in the body. Without strength training, fat mass returns sooner or later.

FitCurves – weight loss expert

To help Ukrainian women in the struggle for their own health and attractiveness, the largest network of fitness clubs for women, FitCurves, has been holding a “Weight Loss Marathon” for the third year now.

“We are announcing a 90-day marathon, which starts on March 1, 2014. Women aged 12 to 85 years are joining the project. During the Marathon, we will teach women how to use the basic tools for losing weight and improving health,” said Svetlana Spivakova, head of the FitCurves community. - We are a socially responsible company, and we do not want to leave the women of Ukraine alone with the problem. Moreover, we offer solutions and support! The FitCurves program is the most proven fitness program in the world! It takes into account the peculiarities of female physiology. Its development and research were carried out over 20 years in the USA, and the research budget amounted to over $5 million.”

The initiators of the all-Ukrainian “Weight Loss Marathon” believe that the action will help participants not only lose extra pounds, gain muscle mass, restore metabolism, but, above all, instill the habit of proper nutrition without dieting, allow them to regain lightness, vitality and give a new life.

Each participant of the Marathon is guaranteed to receive a gift - goodbye to extra pounds! Over the three months that the Marathon lasts, women lose from 5 to 40 kg, depending on their starting weight. Moreover, about 600 winners of the Marathon in three categories will receive gifts, and three super-winners will also go on a fabulous trip to Montenegro! To win, you need to regularly attend training and nutrition school, gain points and lose weight.

FitCurves – fitness for women No. 1 in Ukraine

On February 12, 2014, the FitCurves network was recognized as the largest network of fitness clubs for women in Ukraine and was included in the Ukrainian Book of Records.

Today in Ukraine there are more than 200 FitCurves fitness clubs in 58 settlements. At the club, in addition to 30-minute circuit training, you will be offered classes on a three-phase nutrition system developed by specialists from the Laboratory of Physical Therapy and Healthy Nutrition at Baylor University (USA). Its effectiveness and ability to increase metabolism, eliminating the need for eternal diets, has been proven in numerous studies, many of which are still ongoing.

In FitCurvs clubs, absolutely everything - from the atmosphere to the interior - is created specifically for women! The high effectiveness of FitCurves training is due to the fact that it combines all five components of fitness: cardio and strength training, warm-up, cool-down and stretching. And all this in just 30 minutes!

The workout alternates between all major muscle groups.