The strangest diets in the world

For many people, losing weight is an ongoing topic and they are willing to make any sacrifice to achieve their goal. In this article we will look at the strangest diets in the world that some people choose to lose weight.

The first diet we will talk about is the diet of Professor Mario Marchetti from Italy. His method involves inserting a thin tube through the nose directly into the patient's stomach and immersing it in a container containing a liquid solution of amino acids and proteins. In 24 hours, 2 liters of nutritional mixture are pumped into the body (using the principle of a dropper). A ten-day course allows a person to lose 7-8% of total body weight. Although this method can help you lose weight quickly, it is extremely dangerous and can cause serious health problems.

Another diet we will look at is the French diet of Pierre Dukan. It is based on eating only organic products: meat, fish, vegetables. Communication with a nutritionist takes place interactively. Patients send the doctor a report every day about what they ate that day, where they allowed themselves to deviate from the diet and listen to recommendations for the next day. The weight loss process itself takes six months, and weight stabilization takes a few more months. During this time, proper nutrition becomes a habit. And although everything is now allowed, the body no longer wants junk food. To keep fit, Dukan recommends having a protein day once a week - eating only protein foods. And also: drink at least two liters of water every day.

Some people are willing to go to extremes to lose weight, and this is confirmed by the story of American Donna Simpson from Ohio. She wanted to become the fattest woman in the world and intended to gain 450 kilograms for registration in the Guinness Book of Records. But after her husband left her, she decided to lose weight. She simply began to eat less, focusing on healthier foods. To date, she has lost 100 kilograms.

But the strangest diet can easily be called the diet of Stanislava Monstvieliene from Lithuania. 12 years ago she was diagnosed with cancer, and her life was almost over. When the woman suddenly wanted to try sand, she did not deny herself. Since then, Stanislava has been eating about 1-2 kilograms of wet sand a day and claims that she no longer eats anything. Doctors not only do not approve of such a diet, but call it destructive for the body. Stanislava doesn’t listen to them. She has lost twice the weight and, at 65, looks great. He takes the sand where he finds it, and uses it without washing, along with roots and other organic residues.

Thus, there are many strange diets around the world that people choose to lose weight. Some of them can help you lose weight quickly, but they can be dangerous to your health and can cause serious problems. Therefore, before starting any diet, you need to contact a specialist and get his recommendations. You shouldn’t go to extremes and risk your health for the sake of an ideal figure.