Liquid soup diet

The name of the soup comes from the basis of the diet - onions. The soup is dietary and after a week you can notice that you have lost from 5 to 8 kg.

To prepare the soup you will need:

  1. 6 onions
  2. 6 fresh large tomatoes
  3. 1 head of cabbage (any)
  4. 2 large bell peppers
  5. 1 bunch of celery greens (can be replaced with tubers)
  6. 1 bunch of parsley

Finely chop all the ingredients, put in a bowl, add water, let it boil, add herbal seasonings, curry, pepper, Tabasco, keep on fire until cooked. You can puree the soup in a blender, or you can eat it just like that.

During the diet, you cannot drink alcohol, but you are allowed to drink a lot of liquid - at least 3 liters of still water per day, tea without sugar.

You can also use:

Day 1: any fruit except bananas.
Day 2: green vegetables. For dinner - one boiled potato with butter.
Day 3: fruits and vegetables, except potatoes.
Day 4: three bananas and low-fat milk.
Day 5: serving of chicken breast or fish, 6 tomatoes.
Day 6: lean chop with green salad.
Day 7: natural rice with vegetables.

But still, the basis of the diet should be onion soup; do not get too carried away with the products from the additional list.

Source: I WANT