Rules for a healthy diet: do's and don'ts

If you decide to go on a diet, then it is important to understand that a properly composed diet can only lead to good results and not be accompanied by feelings of hunger and irritability. In this article, we will look at the basic rules of a healthy diet that will help you lose weight effectively and safely.

  1. Count calories

To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. As a rule, to lose weight you need to reduce the number of calories you consume by 500-1000 per day. However, to accurately determine how many calories you are consuming, you need to keep a food journal and count calories.

  1. Reduce portions

If you are used to eating large portions, you will find it difficult to reduce the number of calories you consume. Therefore, it is important to start by reducing your portion sizes. To do this, use smaller dishes and don't eat until you feel full.

  1. Increase the amount of protein in your diet

Protein is an important component of a healthy diet as it helps maintain muscle mass and speed up metabolism. Include meat, fish, eggs, legumes, nuts and seeds in your diet.

  1. Reduce your carbohydrate intake

Carbohydrates are a source of energy, however, if their consumption exceeds the norm, they can lead to weight gain. To reduce your carbohydrate intake, reduce the amount of sugary and starchy foods, and replace white bread with whole grain bread.

  1. Increase your consumption of vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are a source of vitamins, minerals and fiber that are essential for maintaining health. Include at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruits per day in your diet.

  1. Avoid fatty and fried foods

Fatty and fried foods contain many calories and can lead to weight gain. Avoid fatty meats, cheese, butter, fried foods and fast food.

  1. Drink enough water

Water helps remove toxins from the body and speeds up metabolism. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day, and also drink low-calorie drinks such as green tea and sugar-free coffee.

  1. Avoid snacking

Snacking can lead to overeating and weight gain. If you do need to snack, choose healthy foods such as fruit, nuts or no added sugar yogurt.

  1. Don't skip breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it provides energy for the entire day. Don't skip breakfast and choose healthy foods such as oatmeal, eggs, avocado toast or yogurt.

  1. Don't forget about physical activity

Physical activity is also an important part of a healthy diet. Regular exercise helps burn calories, maintain muscle mass and speed up your metabolism. Start with simple exercises such as walking and gradually increase the load.

In conclusion, by following a healthy diet, you can lose weight effectively and safely without feeling hungry or irritable. Remember that a healthy lifestyle is not only about diet, but also about physical activity, adequate rest and stress management.