The main causes of excess weight

Today, the problem of excess weight worries many. It would seem that in order not to gain weight, you just need to eat less and move more. However, there are other, less obvious factors that lead to extra pounds.

Lack of water

Water is the best solvent for fats and waste in the body. To ensure normal metabolism, you need to drink 2.5-3 liters of clean water per day. As soon as it enters the body, the processes of cleansing and normalizing body weight begin.

Chewing gum

Many people, refusing sweets, chew gum intensively. However, it contains a lot of carbohydrates, from which the fat layer is formed. In addition, gum stimulates the production of gastric juice, which is harmful to the gastric mucosa.

Excess salt and spices

Salty, hot and spicy foods enhance the absorption of nutrients, which inevitably leads to weight gain. In addition, salt retains fluid in the body, causing swelling and increased blood pressure.

Lack of sleep

Chronic lack of sleep is accompanied by hormonal imbalances. In an attempt to regain strength, we begin to eat more, which is also not good for our figure.

Air conditioners

A constant comfortable indoor microclimate does not force our body to spend energy on maintaining heat, which causes the accumulation of calories.


Excessive use of certain drugs disrupts metabolism.

Thus, in order not to gain excess weight, you need to drink enough water, limit salt and sweets, get enough sleep, move more and take less medications. An integrated approach will help you maintain a slim figure.