How to choose a diet according to your zodiac sign?

Astrology claims that the stars influence not only the formation of our character, but also our physique, susceptibility to disease and metabolism. Therefore, to maintain good physical shape, you just need to know your body, listen to it and give it the right amount of what it needs.

General approach

Zodiac signs are usually divided according to activity: male (fire and air) and female (earth and water). Signs with pronounced male activity digest food faster and therefore constantly want to snack on something. Therefore, it is important for them to adhere to a clear time schedule for eating. But signs with pronounced feminine activity take longer to digest food; they should listen to their body and eat not according to a schedule, but when they feel hungry.

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) require more energy to digest and assimilate food: they can start eating after a little physical activity, and after eating they can allow themselves a short rest. But earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), on the contrary, are not recommended to sit at the table in an excited state, or eat before bed.

Short-term diets (2-3 days or a week long) do not work at all on Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. They only keep their nervous system tense, but do not help them lose weight. It is recommended for these signs that if they change their diet, it should be done thoroughly - no less than for several months.

Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are not advised to resort to diets due to dissatisfaction with themselves. No matter how strict the diet is, your dissatisfaction with your appearance will block its influence.

Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are advised to treat diets with special attention. These signs have a strong relationship between the food consumed and the functioning of internal organs. A strict diet can undermine your health, upsetting not only the digestive system, but also disrupting the metabolism in the body. Therefore, they are advised not to experiment with the quality of food, but to pay attention to its quantity.

What follows are specific recommendations on nutrition, physical activity and emotional state for each zodiac sign - from Aries to Pisces. These tips will help you get to know your body and soul better so that you can stay in good physical shape according to your zodiac sign.