Raw food diet: the benefits and harms of a trendy eating style

A raw food diet is a diet based on eating only raw foods, such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains and grains. This type of nutrition is becoming increasingly popular among people who want to lose weight, as well as among those who are interested in esoteric practices to improve their connection with their inner self. In this article, we'll look at the pros and cons of a raw food diet to help you decide if this eating style is right for you.


One of the main advantages of a raw food diet is that there is no risk of overeating. All foods consumed on a raw food diet are healthy and do not increase cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. There is also an opinion that a raw food diet helps get rid of many diseases and gives the body incredible strength to function. Raw foodists claim that they are less likely to get colds. In addition, supporters of a raw food diet say that they do not need as much sleep, and that only 5 hours of sleep is enough for them to fully rest. And, of course, a raw food diet helps with weight loss. Eating exclusively vegetables and fruits, a person loses weight very quickly.


The first and main disadvantage of a raw food diet is the lack of a balanced supply of vitamins to the body. In fact, the human body needs nutrients from all types of food. When switching to a raw food diet, the first thing you notice is a lack of B vitamins, calcium and magnesium. Also, the body does not have enough protein, if we talk about those raw foodists who eat only plant foods. In addition, due to a lack of vitamin B, a person may feel lethargic, lack of mood, and even aggression.

Raw foodists themselves say that it is especially difficult to accept a new diet in the first six months, when the body is just adjusting to a raw type of nutrition, still demanding the usual food. If you decide to become a raw foodist, you just need to survive this stage.

By the way, doctors prohibit the practice of a raw food diet for people with gastrointestinal problems, children and adolescents, as well as older people, whose bodies especially need nutrients to maintain health.

Another disadvantage of a raw food diet is the risk of contracting foodborne illnesses, since raw foods can contain bacteria and viruses that can cause illness. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly wash and process food before consumption, as well as monitor storage conditions.

In addition, a raw food diet can lead to a lack of energy and feelings of fatigue, especially in people who lead an active lifestyle. It's important to make sure you're getting enough calories and nutrients to maintain your energy and health.

So, a raw food diet can be a healthy eating style for some people, especially if they want to lose weight and improve their health. However, like any other type of diet, a raw food diet has its pros and cons, and before you start practicing it, it is worth discussing this issue with your doctor and nutritionist to make sure that this style of eating is right for you.