Chemical diet

The chemical diet, which is also called the egg diet, belongs to the strict category. It lasts 4 weeks, requires a significant change in your usual diet and requires you to adhere to the recommended menu every day. With the right approach, it allows you to reduce weight from 15 to 25 kg in one month. However, the final result is directly proportional to the initial weight, that is, the more a person weighs at the beginning of the diet, the more extra pounds he can lose during the diet.

How the chemical diet works

The main product of the diet is chicken eggs. This is a low-calorie, but very satisfying product that is completely absorbed by the body and does not clog it with toxins. At the same time, it is very nutritious and its menu is quite varied. Efficiency is not based on reducing the amount of food consumed, but on triggering special chemical reactions in the body by combining certain foods. To a greater extent, this applies to the combination of boiled chicken eggs and grapefruit.

Basic rules of the chemical diet:

  1. It is unacceptable to replace one product with another; refusal of some “inappropriate” product is possible.

  2. Vegetables - any, except potatoes.

  3. Citrus – grapefruit or orange.

  4. Meat - any lean meat, except lamb (boiled, steamed or fried without fat), chicken - without skin.

  5. Fruits - any, except bananas, mangoes, dates, figs and grapes.

  6. Eggs – hard-boiled.

  7. If the specific quantity of a product is not indicated, then there are no restrictions on its use.

  8. The volume of water consumed per day is 1.5-2 liters.

  9. If the menu is disrupted for some reason, the diet should be started over.

  10. It is recommended to limit salt intake as much as possible.

Menu for 4 weeks:

(the following is a detailed menu for each week)

The chemical diet is characterized by a limited amount of carbohydrates, as a result of which the body replenishes energy reserves only from protein for a long time. And although this option may not be optimal for health, a large number of vegetables and fruits in the diet guarantee the necessary balance and nutritional value.

Before starting a diet, it is advisable to consult with a therapist and make sure there are no individual contraindications, the most severe of which are kidney disease, cardiovascular disease and high cholesterol.