I want to be smart: diet for the brain

Depressed mood, decreased mental activity, and inability to make the right decision are very depressing. Are there special diets that promote emotional balance and mental productivity?

Scientists have been studying the influence of nutrition on the psyche for a long time. Some hypotheses on this matter are inspired by simple everyday observations. For example, leeks promote logical thinking, lettuce develops musicality, carrots and spinach instill melancholy, potatoes have a calming effect.

Malnutrition of the mother during pregnancy and poor nutrition of the child in infancy have an almost irreversible negative impact on the development of mental abilities. It is clear that certain nutrients are required for the brain to function properly.

The most popular version concerns sugar and all kinds of sweets, that is, sugar-containing products. It is considered useful to eat something sweet on the eve of an important intellectual test; it is better to eat a piece of chocolate. For our brain to function properly, it needs a lot of glucose!

However, pure sugar instantly rushes into the blood, and within a minute the head becomes clear. But this is only a short-term effect. In response to a rapid increase in blood sugar levels, the body releases the “sugar eater” – insulin (a pancreatic hormone), and within a few minutes the sugar level drops. As a result, there may be a noticeable decrease in mental performance and a seemingly inexplicable feeling of weakness.

Therefore, you should not have any illusions about sugar “doping”. A timely moderate meal containing bread, nuts, rice, muesli or beans is much healthier. They contain complex sugar compounds, so-called polysaccharides. They are released more slowly, and only after fifteen minutes the sugar level gradually rises, and the person feels cheerful and fresh.

But fats, which are also needed by the body in a certain amount, when consumed in excess, interfere with the absorption of sugars. To all the unkind words spoken by nutritionists about fatty foods, we can add the fact that they depress mental performance. Adult subjects, after a week of eating a high-fat diet, reduced their intelligence test scores by as much as 30%.

To maintain clarity of thinking, the body also needs protein. Therefore, lunch should contain at least some protein of plant or animal origin.

To ensure that nothing impedes the processes occurring in the brain, minerals and vitamins are needed. Moreover, a complete diet contains enough of them, and there is no need to make up for the deficiency with artificial drugs. What kind of substances are these?

Zinc, boron, calcium, magnesium, iron, B vitamins - all these substances are directly involved in the functioning of the nervous system and brain. They can be obtained from foods such as sea fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and dairy products.

One of the important conditions is the correct diet. But not all dietary recommendations should be accepted unconditionally. Many people seek to eliminate from their diet foods that increase cholesterol levels in the blood. People with low blood cholesterol are more likely to suffer from depression. The fact is that cholesterol is the main material of “insulation” of our nerves. Therefore, it is not surprising that many who adhere to fad diets cannot boast of a good mood.

Thus, a balanced diet with enough nutrients is the key to good brain function and a clear mind. And for this you don’t have to adhere to any special diets; it’s enough to eat a variety of healthy foods.