What and when can a nursing mother eat?

Hello! Here is a suggested article on the topic “What and when can a nursing mother eat”:

Nutrition for nursing mothers, especially in the first months after the baby is born, is an extremely controversial issue. There are many conflicting recommendations on this matter. The main rule here is to listen to yourself and your body.

Strict start

In the first month after childbirth, it is recommended to adhere to a strict diet - eat milk porridge, exclude raw vegetables and fruits (except bananas). This will help normalize digestion and not overload the intestines during the period of recovery of the body.

When milk comes in (3-5 days), limit fluid to 1 liter per day. After a couple of days, you can increase the volume of liquid you drink to 2.5-5 liters. It is better to drink water, tea, milk, fermented milk products.

Quality and quantity

As soon as the body recovers after childbirth, you can switch to the usual menu without going to extremes. The diet should be high in calories and vitamins. From the 2nd month you can introduce new foods and monitor the baby’s reaction.

Focus on the foods you ate during pregnancy. Eat in moderation, as much as you ate before pregnancy, plus a light dinner.


The risk of allergies is higher in children whose parents are allergic and who initially received artificial feeding. However, they should also be made aware of potential allergens during breastfeeding.

The most common allergens: chocolate, citrus fruits, legumes, milk, eggs, honey. Carefully study the composition of purchased products; they may contain dangerous dyes and preservatives.


It is better to get vitamins from food, do not get carried away with supplements. It makes sense to take vitamins on the recommendation of a doctor and intermittently.

Safe food rules

  1. Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables, avoid exotics
  2. Eliminate foods that make you uncomfortable
  3. Know your limits
  4. Give up bad habits

By following these simple recommendations, you can provide yourself and your baby with everything you need during breastfeeding.