How eggs affect the body: benefits and harms

Eggs are one of the most controversial foods in the world of nutrition. The editors of have looked into what benefits and harms eggs bring to our body.


Egg white is one of the healthiest types of protein that is quickly absorbed by the body. If you play sports and have a goal to gain beautiful muscle definition, then egg whites should definitely be in your diet. In addition to the protein itself, it also contains a number of amino acids that affect muscle growth.

In addition, eggs are a low-calorie product. 100 grams of egg white contains only 44 calories. Eggs are one of the best sources of protein for those losing weight.

One cannot fail to note their price, which is clearly lower than the price of meat, cottage cheese and other protein products. Eggs give you a feeling of fullness for a long time, which is also important.


The main harm of eggs, as previously thought, was in their cholesterol content. Modern research shows that this is not the case. Cholesterol from food and cholesterol in the blood are two different things.

The cause of atherosclerosis is low-density lipoproteins or “bad” cholesterol. These are large “containers” for transporting fats, which are formed due to poor nutrition with excess fat and lack of protein.

Thus, the main cause of problems is poor nutrition, and not the eggs themselves. Eggs in reasonable quantities in combination with other healthy foods do not pose any particular harm to health.