Shakira revealed the secrets of fitness and nutrition

Shakira is a world famous Colombian singer who not only has a unique voice, but also attracts attention with her beautiful toned figure. In an interview with Women's Health magazine, she shared her beauty and fitness secrets that help her stay in shape and feel healthy and energetic.

Shakira's first secret is proper nutrition. According to the singer, she prefers healthy food and tries not to eat too many processed foods and fast food. She also noted that it is important to control portion sizes to avoid overeating.

However, Shakira does not adhere to strict diets, but rather ensures that her diet is balanced and contains sufficient amounts of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. She also eats plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are a source of vitamins and minerals.

Shakira's second secret is regular training. According to the singer, she does not like boring exercises on exercise machines or treadmills, so she prefers to play different sports. She plays tennis and basketball, rollerblades and swims. Such variety not only does not get boring, but also helps to stay fit and improve physical fitness.

Shakira also shared a funny story about her thighs. Her repertoire includes the song Hips Don't Lie, and she says she uses the movement of her hips to determine whether a song is ready or not. If her hips start swaying to the rhythm of the music while working in the studio, she's done. Thus was born a joke from Shakira’s mouth that her hips don’t lie.

Shakira admitted that after the birth of her son, it was difficult for her to get back into shape, especially because of her busy work. However, she found time to exercise and eat right, which helped her achieve the results she wanted. Her beauty and health secrets can be useful for anyone who wants to stay in shape and feel healthy and energetic.