What to eat before and after training

Our figure is 70% dependent on nutrition, so it is very important not only to choose healthy food, but also to know what time and what to eat so that the food brings maximum benefit. Today in the material we discuss the topic of what to eat before and after training.

Before training

It is not recommended to train on an empty stomach, since the blood sugar level in this case will be low and with active physical activity, there is a high probability that a person may simply faint. Therefore, experts recommend eating 1.5-2 hours before sports activities. It is important to remember that the serving size for women should be no more than 300 g, for men - 400 g. Before training, it is advisable to eat healthy carbohydrates to recharge your energy. It can be fruits, vegetables, cereals, grain bread.

After training

During exercise, blood glucose is used up first, then glycogen reserves, and only then adipose tissue. If glycogen stores are not restored immediately after training, then this in itself will take a very long time. And this is fraught with a decrease in endurance and a slowdown in metabolic processes. Therefore, first of all, after training, it is important to eat something carbohydrate. It could be fresh fruit, a sandwich or fresh juice.

The second task after training is to restore muscles, and for this, within 2 hours after sports you need to eat foods high in protein. This could be a protein shake, cottage cheese, lean meat, fish or poultry. If this is not done, then muscle mass will not be restored, and fat tissue, on the contrary, will increase.