What kind of bread should you eat to lose weight?

Do you know what a complete refusal of bread can lead to? Firstly, to depression, short temper, fatigue and dissatisfaction with oneself, because cereals are one of the main sources of vitamin B, which regulates the function of our nervous system and provides protection against stress.
Secondly, it leads to stool disturbances and, as a result, intoxication of the body - as you know, bread contains fiber, which improves intestinal motility. And thirdly, ignoring the bakery aisle can lead to muscle flaccidity, cellulite and sagging skin, since bricks and bars are an excellent source of protein and some essential amino acids (the most of them are in the wheat product). In general, you need to eat bread, but in moderation - according to American nutritionists, 100 g per day. You definitely won’t get fat from such an amount, because the complex carbohydrates of bread provide long-lasting satiety and are not deposited on the thighs.

Loaf or Borodinsky?
However, not all bread is created equal. When going to the bakery, avoid sliced ​​loaves, crispy French baguettes, white bricks, rolls, muffins and even black “Darnitsky” - they are all made from refined premium wheat flour (dark - in combination with rye), which contains practically no nutrients remains. The carbohydrates in these varieties are “simple” and quickly break down into glucose, which does not have time to be consumed and begins to accumulate in fat depots - on the waist, knees or butt. To avoid gaining weight, look for whole grain bread or with bran - they are baked from wholemeal flour made from healthy unrefined grains (along with the shell and germ), and sometimes with the addition of the latter - for example, “8 grains”. Only this kind of bread contains minerals, vitamins and fiber. The famous “Borodinsky” is not included in the definitely healthy category, but don’t rush to cross it out of your menu - it is made mainly from rye flour combined with second-grade wheat and sprinkled with criander, caraway seeds or anise.

Medicinal sandwich
If you have any health problems, you need to be especially careful when choosing the type of bread. For example, for people suffering from diabetes, products are produced with a reduced carbohydrate content and prepared with sorbitol or xylitol (protein-wheat, protein-bran). If you have kidney disease, it is better to buy bread without salt (achloride, salt-free peeled). If you have a thyroid disorder and a lack of iodine in your diet, it is advisable to use products enriched with potassium iodide or seaweed. They make bread with low acidity for people suffering from stomach diseases, and protein-free bread for those who have impaired protein metabolism. Even for those who consider themselves absolutely healthy, it would not hurt to eat bread enriched with vitamins, micro- and macroelements for prevention. And don’t be afraid to buy bricks with dried fruits, nuts, seeds and other goodies - of course, their total calorie content will be high, but this energy is of high quality: it will bring benefits and will be absorbed perfectly.

Without yeast
Recently, many girls who care about their health and figure have begun to consider yeast-free bread almost a panacea for all ills. This is a really useful product, but it still shouldn’t be idealized. Once upon a time, American nutritionist Howard Hay promoted the idea that it is generally dangerous for people to eat dishes with yeast - baked goods, kvass, beer, fermented milk products. He said that the gastric mucosa of modern man is damaged by antibiotics, drugs and stress, this has led to the spread of intractable fungal diseases, and yeast food only aggravates the situation. Hay’s ideas did not find mass support among nutritionists, but there is some truth in them, therefore, during the period of serious drug treatment (pneumonia, cystitis,