How not to gain weight during the holidays

Each of us carefully prepares for the holidays. We women, of course, pay special attention to our figure: we want to look slim in a beautiful dress on New Year’s Eve.

And then... you can enjoy all the goodies, healthy and unhealthy, high-calorie and light, traditional or exotic - no matter in what quantity. The important thing is that the consequences of uncontrolled appetite will be reflected in the hated centimeters on the figure.

Top 7 New Year's star diets

How to prevent extra pounds from settling on a woman’s waist during holiday feasts? I suggest you familiarize yourself with some very simple psychological techniques that will help keep your appetite within reasonable limits.

Technique one: turn on the memory

So, dear ladies, it's time to activate your long-term memory. Think about the last time you went on a diet. Probably recently. What are the results of your weight loss? And what is the price of your psychological efforts that you had to pay for your current ideal figure? High? Now answer honestly: are you ready to sacrifice the results of your efforts in the name of an appetite that will consume all your efforts in one day? I don't think we're ready. Therefore, before you start eating a new portion of Olivier salad, scroll through all the questions you have read in your mind and once again answer them honestly. I recommend using this technique on New Year's Eve, that is, December 31st.

Technique two: get creative

If the first reception did not make the right impression on you, I will try to convince you using the following strategy. So, imagine a New Year's party where the closest people in your life gathered. Among them, of course, is HE - be it a husband, boyfriend, lover or potential suitor.

There are a lot of goodies on the table, which you taste one by one. And, finally, having eaten to your heart’s content, you noticed that your tummy has become very rounded and cannot be “sucked in.” In addition, there is a feeling of heaviness that sends you a “stop” signal. I think you yourself understand that after such overeating you are unlikely to want to feel HIS hand on your waist. Therefore, it is better to concentrate on the anticipation of a romantic evening than on the consequences of an insatiable appetite.

Reception three: tasting

During the New Year's feast, you, of course, should not sit like an enchanted princess who does not touch anything edible. However, there is also no need to break out and eat everything in large quantities. Try to find a middle ground for yourself, for example, become a taster for a while. This way you will not need to limit yourself in dishes, but only in their quantity. Remember that moderation in food is the best way to avoid extra pounds.

Technique four: circle in a plate

You need to prepare for the New Year holidays in advance, including the feast. Now try to imagine what will be on your plate, and most importantly, what size the plate itself will be. If you are serving a holiday table with large plates, then you should reduce the size... in your mind.

So, imagine that inside your plate there is a circle with a diameter of no more than 5 centimeters. And you do not have the right to put food outside the imaginary circle.

As a result of such a reception, as you already guessed, there will be a minimal amount of food on a large plate, moreover, laid out in accordance with all the rules of restaurant serving. Tasty, healthy and moderate, right?

Technique five: plate for later

This technique is perhaps the most radical and is designed for women with enormous willpower. To begin with, you should have a good dinner the night before the New Year's fun. You need to eat your fill before 18:00, after which take... a supplement. At the same time, you do not need to limit yourself in the portion of the supplement, because it will not go into the stomach, but into the refrigerator. And he will be waiting for you on the morning of January 1st. In the meantime, you will be able to perfectly "