First vegetables and fruits: how to protect yourself from nitrates

With the arrival of spring, more and more fresh vegetables and fruits appear on store shelves and markets. But at the same time, there is a danger of poisoning your body with harmful substances that abound in early ripening fruits. I WANT to tell you how to protect your body from their effects.

After prolonged cold weather, you want to treat yourself to a “vitamin” - a fresh cucumber, tomato or some fruit. And the fruits look very attractive during this period, and the hand stretches out. Although it is obvious that the “early ripening” ones were grown in greenhouse conditions, because the season for many vegetables and fruits will begin only in June-July. Of course, such fruits do not taste the same as summer ones, and they contain less vitamins. But does this stop us from buying a kilogram or two?

The rapid ripening of vegetables occurs due to the use of growth stimulants - nitrates, which have a negative effect on the human body. Plus, products that were used to treat plants to protect them from pests may remain on the fruits.

Nitrates are a combination of a salt and an ester of nitric acid. And although it helps plants grow, it harms human health. Nitrates in the body can lead to an enlargement of the thyroid gland (because they reduce the amount of iodine), provoke the development of various types of tumors, disorders of the nervous system, affect the functioning of the heart, etc. But nitrates exist not only in early ripening fruits - they are even in those that grew in season, only in smaller quantities. So how can you protect yourself from exposure to chemicals?

To begin with, the most basic thing: pay attention to the appearance of the fruit. It is worth choosing medium-sized fruits and vegetables (for this type). Unusually large fruits contain more growth stimulants. Also, you should not buy vegetables and fruits that have brown or grayish spots visible from under the skin.

Even if everything is in order with the products, it will not be a bad idea to play it safe. So, it is known that the largest amount of harmful substances accumulates in deciduous plants and root vegetables: radishes, cabbage, dill, etc. Harmful substances are contained in the roots, stems, veins and petioles of leaves, in the skin and surface layers of vegetables. Therefore, if it is a root vegetable, then it is worth removing the peel from it, removing the tail and stalk. You can also treat vegetables or fruits with cold water, soaking them for a couple of hours. Water helps reduce the amount of nitrates. Therefore, if you also boil them, then there will be even less harmful substances.

Early ripening vegetables and fruits should be stored for no more than two days. And salads made from them - no more than six hours. That is, it is advisable to cook them immediately before use. And if it so happens that you overate fruits with a possible increased amount of nitrates, then you can neutralize them with the help of vitamin C. That is, it will be enough to eat one tablet of ascorbic acid. If this does not help, be sure to consult a doctor!

Experts advise that if you want to enrich your body with vitamins from vegetables and fruits, it is better to eat frozen last year’s fruits than to buy fresh ones. But if you still want fresh ones, then in order to protect your family members from unwanted poisoning, follow our advice, and also - do not give “early ripening” to children under 5 years old, the elderly and people with chronic diseases. And be healthy!
