How to prepare a cocktail to strengthen the immune system quickly and on a budget

To protect the body during the cold season, it is not enough to wear a warm fur coat or use the fashion trend of layering. “More” does not always mean “better”, so the issue of health must be approached comprehensively, protecting it both externally and internally. To prevent the first frost from striking you down, we suggest preparing a smoothie that will strengthen your immune system and help you “perk up your spirit.”

To prepare it you will need:

  1. 1 apple;
  2. 1 carrot;
  3. 2 beets;
  4. ginger juice;
  5. vitamin C (in a sachet).

Use a juicer to turn all the ingredients into juice and then mix. At the end, add a packet of ascorbic acid to the resulting mixture. Voila! Now you can use the resulting elixir in the fight against fatigue, loss of strength, and reduced immunity. In addition, beet juice included in the drink improves memory, dilates blood vessels and perfectly cleanses all body systems.

Please note that preparing a cocktail takes no more than 10 minutes of your time, and the cost of creating it does not exceed 10 UAH.

Vitamins and minerals to strengthen the immune system

The slogan of this recipe could rightfully be considered the sensational “Don’t let yourself dry out,” because in winter our body so needs strength to withstand the adverse effects of the external environment. But that's a completely different story.