How the wives of presidents lose weight. South Beach Diet

How the wives of presidents lose weight. South Beach Diet.

This diet, developed in 1999 in sunny Florida, was used by the wife of the American president, Hilary Clinton. The author of the diet is cardiologist Arthur Agatston. He was concerned not so much with the extra pounds of patients, but with the negative impact of excess weight on the heart. The transformation of the fat into the skinny was so obvious that people demanded details. The result was a book.

Dr. Agatston and Atkins have similar not only surnames, but also nutritional principles. The proposed diet is also high in calories (“good” fats + carbohydrates), but you can eat slightly more carbohydrates than Atkins. The main strictness concerns food preparation: deep processing is prohibited, because, according to Agatston, it slows down the metabolism.

General rules

Principles of nutrition: the diet consists of three stages.

Efficiency: in the first two weeks - minus 4-6 kg, then the speed will decrease, but the trend towards weight loss will remain unchanged.

Regime: three meals a day + two snacks during the day (you can make one snack with dessert at night).

Water: at least eight glasses a day.

Mandatory calcium intake (sold in pharmacies).

Attention! The Southern Diet is not recommended for kidney problems.

The first stage (the most “limited” and difficult)

Not allowed: fruits, bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, sugar, alcohol, pastries.

You can: meat, chicken, turkey, seafood, fish, eggs, cheese, nuts, vegetables.

The stage lasts two weeks.

Sample menu:

In the morning: tomato juice, soft-boiled eggs with herbs and mushrooms, 2 pieces of bacon, decaffeinated coffee with low-fat sugar-free milk (or herbal tea).

Kill the Worm (After 1.5-2 Hours): 2-3 slices of mozzarella cheese.

For lunch: Caesar salad (without croutons and bread), a couple of spoons of salad dressing (it replaces mayonnaise in the recipe).

Kill the Worm: salad or sandwiches made from low-fat homemade cheese with tomatoes and cucumbers (for salad the cheese is cut into cubes, for sandwiches into slices).

In the evening: steamed pike perch fillet; oven-baked vegetables, vegetable salad, 2 tbsp. l. salad dressing.

Night dessert: lemon mousse (prepared in advance).

Second phase

You can: everything (which was prohibited before).

Don't: Make formerly prohibited foods the basis of your menu. In other words, do not overuse pies and pasta.

This stage lasts until the weight drops to the desired kilograms.

Sample menu:

In the morning: fresh strawberries (cherries, grapes - any berries), oatmeal with low-fat milk (you can add 1 teaspoon of chopped walnuts), “white” coffee without caffeine and without sugar or herbal tea.

Snack: hard-boiled egg.

Lunch: Mediterranean chicken legs.

Snack: low-fat cheese and pear.

In the evening: salmon with spinach and vegetables, vegetable salad (can be dressed with olive oil or vinegar).

Dessert of the night: strawberries and chocolate (not chocolate and strawberries!).

Third stage

Task: return to your previous lifestyle without gaining new kilograms.

How to save the result:

  1. adhere to the rules of the second stage;

  2. choose “good” fats (vegetable oil, lean meat, dairy products, nuts);

  3. cancel snacks;

  4. do not eat 2 hours before bedtime.

Sample menu:

In the morning: half a grapefruit, an omelette of egg whites (for 3-4 whites, 1 yolk - bodybuilders' breakfast) with a light sauce (vegetable dressing), a slice of whole grain bread, unsweetened white coffee or herbal tea.

In the afternoon: lean meat baked in dough; apple.

In the evening: grilled chicken, boiled asparagus, seafood salad with olive oil or vinegar.

Night dessert