Beauty in a plate: what to spread on and what to take orally

They say that Faina Ranevskaya was once asked: “Why do women devote so much time and money to their appearance?” And she answered: “Because there are much fewer blind men than stupid ones.” Jokes aside, concern for beauty is caused not only by the desire of women at any age to be interesting to men. Our beauty is, first of all, our health.

To have a healthy and well-groomed appearance, it is not at all necessary to shell out large sums of money in beauty salons and at cosmetics counters. You can use home remedies tested by our grandmothers. As you know, there are no ugly women, only lazy ones. But this is not about us!

Beauty from within

Skin care is not only the regular use of creams, balms, masks and gels. To keep your skin always looking fresh and elastic, you need daily exercise, good sleep and a balanced diet.

We have completely changed the food system. As a result of technological processes, we received perfectly purified high-calorie products. They are, of course, tasty, but how healthy are they? The famous Russian scientist Mechnikov believed that the poisons produced by putrefactive bacteria during irregular bowel movements poison the entire body and cause aging.

Primitive tribes eat poorly or completely unrefined foods, which causes three to four bowel movements during the day. They rarely suffer from diseases of the digestive tract. In the germ of the grain and under its husk there are many vitamins and minerals, as well as a large amount of fiber, which gives a feeling of fullness, but does not lead to obesity and regulates intestinal function.

Nowadays bread is produced containing small grains of various seeds. This provides the diet so necessary for chronic constipation - the disease of our age. Natural remedies to relieve constipation also include:

  1. prunes (soak a handful of prunes overnight in cold water, and eat on an empty stomach in the morning)
  2. one-day yogurt or whey
  3. glass of sauerkraut brine
  4. 2 glasses of boiled water before bed
  5. 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil before bed

Bran should also be included in the nutrition system (pour 1 tablespoon of bran into 1 glass of water). Coarse grain porridges, especially buckwheat, are recommended. Cereals contain vitamins and minerals in the quantities we need and in the ideal ratio. In addition, porridge is digested slowly, and you will not want to eat for a long time if you had porridge for breakfast.

Oatmeal, which is consumed daily in Scotland in the form of porridge ("porridge"), also contains valuable fiber. They are an integral part of the famous beauty salad.

Beauty Salad

  1. In the evening, pour 3 tablespoons of oatmeal with 4 tablespoons of water.
  2. In the morning, add 4 tablespoons of milk to the soaked cereal.
  3. Grate 1 large apple (you can replace it with a handful of berries).
  4. Mix the cereal preparation, grated apple, several hazelnuts, 1 spoon of honey and lemon juice to taste.

All doctors have approximately the same opinion regarding healthy eating. A balanced diet includes in our daily menu only 1/5 products of animal origin, and 4/5 of plant origin, that is, it is aimed at an ideal acid-base balance.

This is the model of rational nutrition that the Swedes offer - in the form of a pyramid, the base of which is milk, buckwheat porridge, bread, potatoes, the middle is vegetables and fruits, and the top is meat, fish, and eggs.

In the USA they came up with the plate rule. You can eat whatever you like, but with one condition - divide the plate into two parts, then one half in half. Half the plate should always be filled with vegetables or fruits, a quarter with protein foods, and another quarter with carbohydrates. And this rule must be followed at every meal.

Animal protein causes excessive oxidation of the body, severe putrefactive processes in the intestines