90x60x90 is no longer fashionable. Modern standards of sexuality

90x60x90 is no longer fashionable. Modern standards of sexuality.

These treasured three numbers have long been the undisputed standard of beauty. In how many women did they evoke a desperate desire to live up to them! But everything flows, everything changes. And now is the time for other standards.

Every woman is dissatisfied with her figure in some way. Some people suffer from being too tall or too short, some don’t like the length or curve of their neck, some aren’t happy with the width of their shoulders and their sloping shape, some don’t feel like their legs are long enough. And yet, most women are concerned with the three main measures of their own sexuality: breasts, waist, hips. Those who invented the treasured 90x60x90 also understood this.

The Mysterious Inventor of Standards

And who, exactly, is this mysterious inventor of the standard formula?! And why is nothing known about the height for which these sizes are recognized as the standard? Or, having these indicators, will any woman look sexy, even 1m 80cm tall, even 1m 50cm tall?! And in general, if you think about it, this formula is not so ideal. Bust girth 90cm is only size 44 (more girlish than women's). Hips 90cm is also a very modest boyish volume. As for the 60cm waist, you can’t call it aspen, given the small volumes of the chest and hips.

There are many versions regarding the origin of the famous standard of beauty at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st. The first version and the most probable is that the 90x60x90 formula was promoted by fashion designers, guided by elementary laziness. We collectively decided that such proportions are the most successful for any clothing model, so we invented a universal mannequin. The second version says that the aesthetics of that time arose from the contradictions between plump, plump village women and frail, sickly city girls. So urban women began to dictate body standards.

The third version is again looking for the “culprits” among fashion designers. Allegedly, they took as a basis a certain ideal of the waist volume of the stars of that time, and the sizes of the chest and hips were calculated from a simple calculation of “1.5 waist.” And for the convenience of patterns, all sizes are also rounded to even numbers without millimeters.

According to the fourth version, the fashion designers are also to blame. The sizes used in the formula are clearly boyish, teenage. And many male couturiers were gay, so they wanted their models to look like boys, not girls.

There is also a fifth version. This ideal could have been set by feminist women who wanted to rebel against the obvious female form, which had previously been elevated to the rank of ideal.

Whatever the reality, the 90x60x90 phenomenon brought women a lot of suffering and rewarded them with countless complexes.

But, thank God, fashion is changeable. Sometimes until the most dramatic changes. Ideal proportion of a female figure

It would be a lie to say that it is now fashionable to be fat. Not at all! And yet, female sexuality today is characterized by words that contradict the famous 90x60x90. It is now customary to talk about an ideal woman: appetizing, with rounded shapes. If there is a chest, then it is high, lush; if it is a waist, then it is graceful, typically feminine, and the hips are definitely not flat, but round.

At the same time, perhaps, after all, a certain gold standard (chest and hips = 1.5 waist) in the formula 90x60x90 was noticed correctly. But the numbers themselves, of course, should change taking into account other parameters of the figure. First of all, the higher the height, the larger they should be, and the lower, the smaller they should be. A woman’s body type can also adjust these dimensions so that, without strictly following the proportions, they allow fluctuations from 5 to 8% of the volume.

In general, it is already clear to everyone that a truly beautiful figure cannot be calculated using one standard formula. And femininity, not measured in centimeters, has finally been recognized as the main standard of sexuality. A woman must be 100% Woman