Separate diet

Separate diet: features, principles, results

Every year, millions of people dream of losing weight and improving their health. There are many methods to achieve this goal, one of which is a separate diet. In this article we will look at the features and principles of this diet, as well as its results.

Principles of a separate diet

The separate diet is based on the principle of separate nutrition, which is that proteins and carbohydrates should not be consumed together. With this diet, the body digests food more easily, which contributes to more effective weight loss and improved overall health.

The first two days of the separate diet are especially strict - you are only allowed to drink kefir. This is followed by days when you alternate strictly protein and strictly plant foods. On a protein day, you can eat dairy products, meat, eggs, fish, etc., but no vegetables or fruits. On a plant-based day, you can eat vegetables and fruits, but no protein foods. It is important to follow the product compatibility chart to avoid incorrect combinations.

You can only eat rye bread and no more than two pieces per day. Butter, mayonnaise, pastries, chocolate and other sweets should be completely excluded from the diet.

The duration of the separate diet is 20 days. During this period, you can lose from 5 to 8 kg of weight, improve the condition of your skin and hair. However, before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor.

Results of a separate diet

A split diet is a fairly effective method of losing weight and improving health. However, this diet is not suitable for everyone. For example, people with kidney or liver disease, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and children and teenagers should not use this weight loss method.

In addition, it is important to understand that after finishing the diet, you need to switch to a healthy and balanced diet in order to maintain the results achieved.


A separate diet is one of the weight loss methods based on the principle of separate nutrition. This method can be effective for weight loss and improving skin and hair condition. However, before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor to avoid negative consequences. In addition, after finishing the diet, you need to switch to a healthy and balanced diet to maintain the results. Like any other diet, the split diet is not a one-size-fits-all solution and may not be suitable for some people. However, for those who want to try this method, it is important to follow the principles of separate nutrition and the food compatibility chart in order to achieve maximum results.