Why is tea with milk dangerous?

The combination of tea and milk was invented by the British in the last century to prevent cracking of porcelain cups. However, modern nutritionists warn about the possible dangers of drinking this drink.

Milk tea can be beneficial if consumed in moderation. It can add milk to nursing mothers, as well as warm and invigorate the body. However, you should not abuse this drink, especially if you drink it regularly.

One reason why tea with milk can be harmful is that tea binds calcium from the milk, preventing it from being absorbed. This can lead to calcium deposits on the walls of blood vessels, which can cause blood clots and stroke.

Moreover, freshly squeezed juices can also be dangerous if consumed in large quantities. They can raise blood sugar levels and even lead to diabetes if consumed too often. Experts recommend minimizing risks by drinking freshly squeezed juices in the morning.

Thus, milk tea as well as freshly squeezed juices can be healthy drinks if consumed in moderation. However, you should not overuse them to avoid possible health hazards.