What foods cleanse the body?

Cleansing the body of toxins and waste is one of the key principles of a healthy lifestyle. In conditions of a polluted environment and poor nutrition, our body experiences daily stress associated with the elimination of harmful substances. To help him with this, you can add several foods to your diet that will help effectively cleanse the body.


Apples are one of the most accessible and popular foods for cleansing the body. They contain a large amount of pectin and fiber, which help normalize the gastrointestinal tract and bind toxins and heavy metals to remove them from the body. It is recommended to eat 2-3 apples a day 20-30 minutes before meals. When choosing a variety of apples, it is necessary to take into account the acidity of the stomach. If it is high, it is better to choose sweet varieties, and if it is low, sour ones.


Oranges, lemons and grapefruits are rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber, making them excellent for cleansing the body. They help remove toxins from the intestines and help cleanse blood vessels. It is recommended to drink a glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon every day on an empty stomach. You can also eat two small oranges or one grapefruit during the day. However, it must be taken into account that citrus fruits are contraindicated for ulcers, gastritis and allergies to them.


Beets are the most effective product for cleansing the body. It contains a high amount of pectin, fiber and vitamins B1, B2, C, which help normalize the functioning of the intestines and liver. Beets also contain a lipotropic substance called betaine, which helps the liver better eliminate toxins. Folic acid and quartz, also contained in beets, help rejuvenate the body. Beets can be consumed in any way you like: added to dishes, eaten raw, made into juices and health cocktails, mixed with the juice of other vegetables and fruits.


Cabbage contains a large amount of dietary fiber, which helps bind and remove heavy metals and neutralize excess fats. It also contains rare vitamin U, which helps heal stomach ulcers. It is recommended to eat cabbage fresh, add it to salads or steam it.


Garlic contains antioxidants that help fight free radicals and protect the body from various diseases. It also contains allicin, which helps eliminate toxins and improves liver function. It is recommended to add garlic to various dishes, or chew a few raw garlic cloves every day.


Ginger contains many biologically active substances that help strengthen the immune system and fight inflammatory processes in the body. It also contains gingerol, which helps improve the digestive system and eliminate toxins. It is recommended to add ginger to tea, soups, sauces and other dishes.

In addition to foods, to cleanse the body, it is recommended to consume a sufficient amount of water (at least 2-2.5 liters per day), exercise and regularly conduct detox programs, such as water fasting, juice days, intestinal cleansing, etc. However, before starting any body cleansing program, you should consult your doctor.