To eat or not to eat: the benefits of therapeutic fasting

Therapeutic fasting is a long-known, but not fully studied method of influencing the body. Its essence lies in short-term voluntary abstinence from food under the supervision of a doctor. It is assumed that in this case the body goes into a special mode of self-cleaning and restoration.

Historically, therapeutic fasting was practiced in many civilizations - from Ancient Greece to Tibet. In modern medicine, it is used in clinics in Europe, the USA, and Israel. In Russia, interest in this method arose in the middle of the 20th century.

Proponents of therapeutic fasting argue that it can be an alternative to drug treatment for some diseases. However, it is emphasized that it should only be carried out voluntarily, under the supervision of an experienced doctor and in compliance with the rules for overcoming hunger.

Despite its widespread use, the mechanisms of the health-promoting effects of fasting are not completely clear. Further scientific study is required to maximize the potential of this method.