Five flavors and colors that will make us slimmer

For many people, weight gain occurs because they want to eat constantly and chew something all the time. Others begin to feel hungry almost immediately after eating. Member of the American Gerontological Association Mila Kletskaya explains why this happens and what to do about it.

Why do we eat? Of course, in order to get energy. How do we know if we received it or not? If you eat right, then after breakfast, lunch or dinner you will feel energetic, strong and not at all sleepy. There are secrets on how to get the necessary energy from food and eliminate the feeling of constant hunger.

Our body and our psyche are powered by different types of energy, the absence of which leads to exhaustion of the psyche or starvation of the body. When organs are starved, a person constantly wants to eat; he simply does not get enough of food that is poor in various types of energy.

In turn, each organ has its own specific type of energy that supports its functioning. This energy is delivered to our body by food.

How do we know which food supplies our body with which type of energy? To do this, you need to remember a very simple thing - there should always be five tastes in food. What are these tastes? Bitter, salty, sweet, sour and spicy (hot). If you base your nutrition on a combination of five tastes and take into account some other rules, you will never be overweight, as happens with the Japanese, Chinese and other Asian peoples.

Let's see which organ receives energy from which of the tastes, that is, nourishes, soothes and cleanses. Only when all organs together are full will the feeling of hunger disappear. This means that when cooking, all five tastes must find their place in your menu.

The effect of tastes on the body:

Bitter - heart and small intestine. In small quantities it leads to improvement and normalizes their functioning. Stimulates digestion. In excess, it leads to diseases.

Sour - liver and gall bladder. In small quantities it restores their functioning. In excess, it contributes to the disease.

Sweet - stomach, spleen, pancreas. In small quantities it promotes their proper functioning. In excess, it leads to disease.

Salty - kidneys, adrenal glands, genitals, bladder. In small quantities it promotes their good functioning. In excess, it leads to blocking the work of these organs.

Spicy - light. In small quantities it promotes their functioning. In excess, it leads to illness.

Now let's think about what will happen if a person consumes a typical Western food, consisting mainly of sweet, salty and hot (pepper). In this case, the heart, small intestine and liver are constantly malnourished, and the kidneys, in turn, work in fire mode.

As a result, a person gets fat because the heart does not pump fluid well, the small intestine does not “remove” all the nutrients from the food bolus and does not complete the decomposition of proteins, and the kidneys do not remove fluid. As a result, you become bloated, constipated, your liver cannot neutralize toxins, and your body continues to ask for food.

To lose weight and stay in shape forever, eat only natural food. No delights of Western civilization. Often, the captivating delicious smells emanating from some fast food cafes are chemical flavorings that load your body with toxins and interfere with weight loss.

Eat 3-4 times a day from one-year-olds' plates or, better yet, from small salad bowls. By the way, eating a lot of food at night is one of the causes of heart attacks at any age.

Try to eat colorful foods. Ideally, you should have up to 16 colors of vegetables and fruits on your table.